As we close out 2019, we’re not just wrapping easy asks when it comes to inviting friends Marketing for several reasons. First of all,
up a year, we’re coming to the end of a decade. and family to church. It is also a social media people serving on worship and tech teams are
This makes for a great time to reflect on what’s goldmine if you’ve got a photographer who can playing an ever-increasing role in producing
working and what’s not. I would strongly take great family photos. If you post the photos content that is viewed beyond the four walls of
suggest gathering your team over a meal to on your Facebook page, and tag congregation your building. If your church is streaming your
have a frank discussion about your strategy members it makes it really easy for them to worship set, it is important to remember that
(or lack thereof) in terms of how you’re going share them with friends and family on their people are seeing and hearing you on the same
to reach and attract new people into your timeline. Props like Santa hats and reindeer platform(s) that they watch video by the likes of
congregation. Since your web site is where antlers make for fun family photos that people Hillsong. No rehearsal might be good enough
most ‘church shoppers’ will decide if they’re look forward to. When shared on someone’s to pull off a Sunday morning, but once you start
going to visit your church, on a scale from one timeline it informs and reminds co-workers that sharing that part of your Sunday service digitally
to ten, try rating how good a job your site does church can be fun and is also a great place the standards are considerably higher, so it is
on directions, info about child care, service for the kind of community people long for. The important to keep that in mind. Bad video and
times, and community so your church is just as joy of a Christ-focused life is undeniable, and audio production can give the impression that
inviting online as it is in person! a ‘photo testimony’ is a powerful vehicle for your church doesn’t have it together, when
combating some of the pre-conceived notions you’re really just doing the best you can to
ATTRACTION PATHWAY that friends, and family may have about what leverage technology to serve congregants who
In addition to your web site, social media and a life following Jesus is like. Mainstream media can’t make it to church, as well as to reach the
Yelp! can play a big role in the pathway of likes to paint us into a corner and taking charge lost for Jesus. With that in mind, we’re going
attraction that leads people to your front door, of the narrative is key to attracting people. to do our best to serve you in that journey and
so having a strategy is vital. If you have a clear
we look forward to hearing about how we can
strategy about how you are going to present CHURCH TECH + MARKETING do that. You’ll see an ever-increasing amount
your church to the world at large, planning Creating a logo, web site, and social media of content around audio, video, and church
content becomes a lot less random. If you presence is brand-like behavior, so if we’re marketing on our social feeds, so we invite
want the world to know that your church is big going to act like brands, it is probably a good you to join us on Facebook, Instagram, and
on families, make sure that your social media idea to study what the leading brands are doing YouTube as we do – comments welcomed and
reflects that. so we can better reach, engage, and serve invited!
people as we build the Kingdom.
We all know that Easter and Christmas are the
We renamed this section Church Tech +
December 2019
Doug Doppler
Doug is the Editorial Director for Worship Musician
and Gear Tech + Recording magazines.
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