the fruit of what is happening in intimacy, but Repent and do the things you did at first. If you to repent for the self-centeredness, we need to
some of us aren’t intimate and we’ve just made do not repent, I will come to you and remove repent for the “This song is going to make x
it an exchange. We’ve made it a transaction, your lamp stand from its place, and whoever amount of money.”
and God needs to see the fruit. There’s a touch has ears to hear, hear what the spirit is saying of God on a song when it comes from a place to the one that is victorious.”
We’ve got to get real and we’ve got to get
of true intimacy.
honest with this, we’ve got to get rid of that
I love this scripture. We just recently took our and go back. Oh Jesus, and get back to the
And this is really what I want us to see, because writers from the Belonging Co and we spent things that was my first love. The things that
here in the church of Ephesus it says, “To the a moment talking about this, and we’ve been I did at first when all I cared about was being
angel of the church, these are the words of him doing good things the last five years, it’s been on my face in my bedroom and the song that
who holds the seven stars in his right hand and amazing. Most people would look at it and came out just flowed out because I didn’t care
walks among the seven golden lamp stands. I think its so great, its so potent, it’s powerful if it never got heard… because it came from a
know your deeds, I know your hard work and and its wonderful. But I never want to get place of intimacy. Take me back to that place
you’re perseverance, I know that you cannot relaxed and comfortable, I never want to get so I can write from a place that is pure and
tolerate wicked people. That you have tested familiar. Yeah, we’re doing good things, but you holy. Because there will be a day that we stand
those who claimed to be apostles but are not, know what? Everyone on our team, we had like before the Lord, and He’s not really going to
and have found them false. You’ve preserved thirty writers, and I told them that in order for be patting you on your back saying, “Wow, you
and endured hardships for my name and us to keep the purity and the potency of the got a number one song.” He’s just not. He’s
you’ve not grown weary (so you’ve done all anointing of worship that is from the heart of going to look at your heart and there is going to
the good things, its great, it’s awesome). Yet God from that intimate place we need to go be a judgment moment of what gets burnt up
I will hold this against you, you’ve forsaken the back before we can go forward. We need to go with wood, hay, stubble, and what remains is
love you had at first. Consider how far you’ve back on a daily basis, we need to go back and gold and gems. And what remains is that crown
fallen. (Unbelievable that we’re doing all these we need to repent for maybe what it’s become. of life. That crown that says, “I just dug through
good things but consider how far we’ve fallen). We need to repent for the attitudes, we need the pit and I got out the other side because I
August 2019
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