awakened. Tell them to be awakened to me. prolific and profound churches of its time. It Tell them to be awakened to who I am. So that says, “For you were once darkness but now when they get awakened to who I am, they will you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, There is so much in that scripture and I don’t
know who they are. And when they know who for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, have time to unpack it, but I want to take us
they are, they will do mighty things.” righteousness, and truth. And find out what down to Revelation chapter two, because here
pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the is where we see the letters to the churches and
And this awakening woke me up. I’ve been a fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose we see that Ephesus is being addressed. It’s
Christian for most of my life, thirty-five years, them. It is shameful even to mention what incredible that this was this church that was
I’ve grown up in church since the womb. But the disobedient do in secret, but everything being told to awake. They’d gone back to
you know we can get asleep in our faith. We exposed by the light becomes visible, and what was familiar, they’d gone back to their
can do good things but know that were not everything that is illuminated becomes a light. old patterns, they’d gone back to worldly ways
awakened always. We can get dull, get jaded, And this is why it is said, wake up sleeper, rise because they had fallen asleep and forgotten.
get agitated and broken by the things of church from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Be Some of us I think we forget, we get so stuck in
world. We see that industry has somehow very careful then how you live, not as unwise but our rut and we just do the business of worship,
bled into the house of worship and into that as wise, making the most of every opportunity, or we do the business of songwriting. We’ve
sanctuary that is holy and we become dull in because the days are evil. Therefore do not almost materialized it and we’ve brought it into
our senses. God is saying, “No, don’t get dull, be foolish but understand that the Lords will an industry standard when it was never meant
this is not the time to get dull, this is the time is do not get drunk on wine, which leads to to be industry. It was always meant to be
to awake.” debauchery and instead be filled with the spirit. intimacy. It was always meant to come out of an
Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, intimate moment. The fruit of when a couple is
I want to read from Ephesians 5:8. Here its and songs from the spirit, sing and make music intimate are the children. We don’t get to watch
being said to the church of Ephesus… this is from your heart to the Lord, always giving the intimate part because that would be weird,
not to the unsaved… this is to one of the most thanks to God the father for everything in the but we do get to see the fruit. We need to see
8 August 2019
name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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