nurse because it is that nurturing, compassion, Very unique that you’re just going to be women lean into us, as we draw near to you, you will
security and comfort. I believe that is so doing it. And I don’t want us to just write from draw near to us. God, I pray that your words will
representative of who God is, and we don’t see our feelings, we want to write from the heart be so saturated with anointing today. That your
that enough in the church. Not that I’m bashing of God. If I can be bold, and I say this to our word is alive and active and that it’s sharper
the male species, because I’m married to one church many times (we have a lot of creatives’), than any two-edge sword. It divides between
and I love him very much. I love the fact that but I’m a little bit tired of hearing our experience soul, spirit, joint, and marrow, and it judges the
he releases women so beautifully. But I feel in worship. I really am, that’s okay to sing that in attitudes of our hearts. God I pray you would
in order to see the whole picture of God we our beautiful private times, but can we worship go deep and you would bring transformation.
have to see the female representation of that the King of all kings and allow people to get into And God, what transpires from these few days
as well. That this is happening today. I think it the throne room and see His face and know would be nothing short of miraculous and all
is beyond beautiful. You need to know God is Him? Because He brings the change. I think so glory goes to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
doing something, He’s an awakening God and much of this generation is too inward looking, He is awakening something inside of us. and we need to be looking at the King, because Over Christmas I asked the Lord for a word for
when we lift our eyes up and look… we see this year, for our church, for myself, and I didn’t
I’ve only got a few moments with you, but where our help comes from. So I hope that this want it to be just something like, “increase” or
I believe God can do in minutes what most word today inspired us to be awakened to God “more.” I really wanted the word of the Lord,
people want to do in a lifetime. So, if you the father, and the mother heart of God, that and I fell asleep one night and I had a dream
would just lean in with me and see this as the is going to change life. You have the potential of father God sitting on a couch with me. He
word of God to your heart, you’re about to do in this room to see something shift for eternity was so beautiful, and He was so distinguished,
something these next few days, not just write in your writing, and so we want to write from and we were just in the midst of conversation,
songs, but actually pull out of heaven the heart that place. and I said, “Father, what’s the word? What
of God. You get to represent the mother heart
of God, the female part of God, into your songs.
do you want to say to your people?” And
“Father God, I pray right now that you would
August 2019
without hesitation He just said, “Tell them to be
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