Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 10

put my trust in you that every song came from when it comes forth into the atmosphere and it God, just in this room the potential to shift a place of purity and holiness and I want to began to remember in each person (and a lot of the atmosphere and principalities of the spirit give my worship to you.” Because when we the girls are here today). realm is unprecedented. God I pray that as stand before a holy God… only what is pure will remain. they go today and tomorrow that the songs Each one began to remember and it was like that are birthed out of that place would be they revisited that moment like it was happening such profound words and melodies that it So I want us to take a moment this morning for the first time. And out of that place by the would cause the church to awaken to who before we start this songwriting and say, “God, time we got to the end we were all undone. We you are, that it would cause the church to rise I think I need to go back. I need to remember were prostrate on the floor, and we began to up and be beacons of light. That every word that very first encounter that I had with you.” worship from a pure place. We worshiped in would be pointed into their spirits where it I want you to go back right now in your little spirit and in truth. And that’s what I want us to would bring transformation and would not just filing cabinet and go back to that first moment do for today. I can’t get you to articulate it to be information, that it wouldn’t just be words of encounter that you were so overcome by the me, but I need you to come and articulate it on a screen, but that every word would be presence of God that you were undone. You before the father this morning and I want you to saturated with your anointing so that is shifts were so undone that you didn’t care who was close your eyes in this place. I want you to have atmospheres. God I pray for the anointing to watching, you didn’t care who was listening, a moment with the Lord. I want you to go back flow on each and every one of these women. you were just broken, contrite in His presence. and remember. I want you to go to that place God I declare them holy and righteous is of first love and first encounter. And maybe your sight, and God I pray for such a mighty When we go back there its like we reset and some of you need to repent and say, “It’s been outpouring as they gather together. That here then we thrust forward. And I can’t do this with a while, but God I promise to come back.” And in this room there is no rivalry, there is no you today because we don’t have time, but remember that moment, in Jesus’ name. competition, there is just complete oneness as I went and we spent three and a half hours, the beautiful picture of the female heart of God. and I went through every one in my team, and “Father, we thank you that we can do this at God I pray that you would bring a powerful I said, “We’re going to go back, and we’re any given moment, that we get to go back. anointing upon each and every woman that going to remember, and we’re going to voice Sometimes the way back is the only way history would be made in this room this week. that moment of encounter.” And I cannot tell forward. God I thank you for these women And we give you all the praise and all the glory, you, the presence of God was so potent in that that are representing so many churches, so in Jesus’ might name, Amen!” God bless you! room. Because our testimony does something many styles and expressions of worship. 10 August 2019 Subscribe for Free...