culture to not use words. But it is so powerful. my rose-colored glasses came off, and even
I could cry just thinking about that song, the as incredible as our team is, and everything is,
response is absolutely so powerful. ministry is tough. I felt like I was just questioning
so much but still needing to lead worship, so
[WM] “Honest” from your new project, is just when we wrote that song last Summer it was
that; brutally honest. Somehow Melody, you really from a place of doubt. I was doubting
and your co-writers have been able to share a
private prayer, eloquently communicated to the
so much, but after you have an encounter
with the Father and you’re already deep in you
Father, and craft it into an anthem that builds
know it’s too late to turn back. So even though
the body of Christ. This is no easy task. What a really bad diagnoses, but the Lord is so I had all these doubts I wasn’t going to leave
can you tell us about that song? good. We wrote that song before we knew the Him. Where would I go? I think Peter said that,
diagnosis, and asked my Dad to arrange that “Where would I go?” So I think that’s kind of
[Melody] Its so crazy to talk about it right after song before the diagnosis, and then when the what you hear in the song.
“Responsum A Patre.” All of the strings and the diagnosis came it was like the Lord gave me arrangement of that song my Dad did, and the something to hold on to through that song and [WM] Influence Music is a very unique
song is literally called “Responsum A Patre” through his response because it’s so uplifting. collective. You’ve assembled yourselves from
which is “Response of a Father.” My Dad is a I know my Dad is healed and it’s so cool entirely different musical backgrounds including
mariachi and he brought his mariachi violinist because I can listen to “Honest” and I feel like pop and worship persuasions among others.
and arranged it, and my Dad has never done the Lord planned a little soundtrack for me. It’s This all makes for a much larger musical palette
worship music so for me that song just holds awesome! for listeners. Can you elaborate on this?
was such a difficult season. My Dad had got I think really over the last year I almost felt like [Matt] You’re right, we’ve all come from
36 August 2019
such significance. I get emotional because it
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