quite different streams of writing and musical “Christ died for us. He died for us when we were
expression, and so what’s cool is that as you’re yet His enemies.” There was a season of my life
listening to these songs you can hear a little bit where I didn’t know Him the way I know Him
of each one of us in the songs. It’s fun to listen now, and I look back to the life of Jesus, and
to for me as part of the collective, because I not to be cliché with the album “Rebels”, but
can think, “Oh my gosh that’s totally Melody’s how He rebelled against the religious system of
line!”, Or its totally a Ketterer or totally a
Whitney-inspired line. Or Jordan, who’s one of
His day. He had dinner with prostitutes and tax
collectors and He hung out with sinners and the
our producers and musicians on the team. He’s
ones who were despised by society. He says, “I
such a gifted musician. It’s fun to hear the little upcoming project. I believe that you, Matt, didn’t come for the righteous. I didn’t come to
bits of all of our DNA interwoven throughout all described it as an “anthem of hope for the lost, rub shoulders and to get in with the hierarchy
of these different songs. hurting, and broken souls in the world.” That of the church as it was established then. I came
little girl in the YouTube video is a powerful to seek and save the lost. I came to hang out
There is hip hop. There is classic worship image, much like the precious little girl wearing with tax collectors, sinners, and prostitutes, the
music, and there are some R&B sounds on the red coat in Schindler’s List. What, can you ones that who nobody else is loving, to show
some of them. I think it’s aesthetically pleasing tell us about this song in its creation, recording, them that I love them and that I accept them.”
to all different styles of music, and there is even and usage during Sunday morning worship?
a spoken word track on this one for those who
And that’s part of the story behind “Redeemed”,
are into that as well. It’s definitely a different [Matt] This song is a song that’s a little because there was a season where I was His
expression than I have ever heard before bit different for a Sunday morning worship enemy. But because I was His enemy and I
because there are so many different streams expression, because of the message of it. didn’t know Him that well He wasn’t threatened
coming together in one unique sound. The message of “Redeemed” is kind of all of by that, it was just that I hadn’t experienced His
our testimonies. At some point we all came to love before. I think what this song resembles
the Lord, but before that… the Bible says that to the church is that it’s all of our testimonies
[WM] “Redeemed” is another track from the
August 2019
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