Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 35

of Hope. Let me tell you they are some of the instrumental moments. I think when you ask the most professional and talented group of people Lord to give you the spirit of prophecy in your I have ever been around, it blows my mind that music or in your worship set and you ask Him they are as young as they are. to come anoint this hour of worship, I think the Lord wants to anoint and rest His presence on [WM] You’ve uniquely chosen a child’s voice the musicians just as much as He does on the to announce Rebels on Facebook. People don’t often realize the power within an innocent singers. I think its so easy to get into a mode of, “I’m the singer, I’m the mouthpiece, so I’m Rebels child’s voice when accompanied by the right music. How was this decision made? going to be releasing the word of the Lord.” I Lord was clearly pointing to the one little girl think the Lord can speak just as powerfully or who he wanted to use as the main character even more powerfully through a melody or a [Melody] Voices of Hope. First we were of this short film and also for singing the theme rhythm or a sound as long as everyone if being working with them on the background vocals song. So, it was really cool. It was confirmation. in tune with the Holy Spirit. That’s one thing I of Matt’s song “Redeemed”, and then once want to always encourage any band that I’m we had the idea for the short film, it was so [WM] Your recording of “Responsum A Patre” playing with or leading worship with, is being centered around kids that we though it really is a thrilling and beautiful instrumental piece. attentive to the Lord. just makes sense to involve them in as much of Is instrumental music something that you the project as we can. And what’s so crazy, this encourage worship teams to incorporate into [Melody] Being anointed, and I don’t throw is so the Lord, but the voice that you’re hearing their Sunday morning offerings? that word around but it really truly is, and I think sing “Rebels”, the little girl, she ended up being its something that our church body is growing who we casted as the lead character of the [Matt] As a musician myself I’ve played piano, in as well, exactly what Matt was just speaking short film, and we didn’t know that she was the I’ve been singing, I sang in a lot of choirs growing on, just prophesying with your instrument. And one who Sarah had picked to sing the song. up, but I think some of the most powerful were really growing in that right now. It’s really There were two decisions to be made and the moments of worship that I’ve had have been in crazy and counter intuitive for us in a worship August 2019 Subscribe for Free... 35