or sixty years before that when Elizabeth was to write a song.” And it’s not about writing a really is unheard of. And its not because there
in her prime there would have never have been song that heals a blind man, it’s, that I want that was something special in the moment, I mean
a fourteen year old named Mary ready to make thing that you want for me. I want to be able to yeah the Lord breathed on it, but I think it was
a way. hold on to it so there is not any disappointment because years ago the Lord said, “Hey Rita,
resident in my bones in twenty or thirty years greater other things will you do in the latter
down the road. part of your life than you have ever done in the
There always will be someone to prepare it
and there always be someone who will make
former.” And I just risked to believe it. It was a
it. In your vocation and in what God has called I think that God works in decades. Twenty you to do, there is something coming, there to thirty (years old), you’re trying to figure out is revival coming to the church, I personally who you are. Any age before that you’re brain I sat last night at dinner next to Kayla, I didn’t
believe God has told me its coming through dead. I have a fourteen year old and he’s brain know her and she introduced herself to me
the arts. It’s going to come straight through dead. I’m not looking for him to be mister and I went, “Oh yeah, I’ve been talking to the
the arts because it’s the one language we all supernatural, you know what I’m saying? He’s Lord about you…” I didn’t say anything to her,
speak. I think that’s why He’s asking the church mister irresponsible. So by the time he’s twenty but I asked, “What do you want to do? What
to embrace an artistic culture, because it’s the I need to start pushing him into, okay, figure out are your dreams?” Because that’s my favorite
artists that are breathing oxygen louder than who you are. Don’t get to thirty and question question, “What are your dreams?” And she
the religious. So there are lyrics and melody everything in your twenties, because from thirty said the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever
lines, and movies and TV shows to be written to forty you need to be walking it out. Forty on heard, she said, “I want to be a mother, and not
for, and Christian records to write, and worship up you give it away. That doesn’t mean you just a mother in the natural, I want to mother
music to write, there are buckets in heaven don’t still do it. I recorded and never thought people, I want to mentor people.” And I’m like,
with lyrics and melodies that God is just waiting I would ever do it again, but at fifty years old “Whoa, how old are you?” She said twenty-four,
for somebody in this room to say, “I’m coming I released my most successful record. That’s and I’m like, I’ve honestly never in my life met
after it, Lord. You tip it over because I’m going unheard of, as a woman in Christian music it a young girl in her twenties that had that to say
August 2019
risk to believe it.
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