to me. I walked away last night and I thought, your life is full of perfection, not at all. But I finally to Elizabeth’s house and she comes up the
the road you’re going to walk kid, beauty is on embraced this thing, it was a few years ago pathway. It says now when Elizabeth conceives
your life already because you want things that and Karrie and I had coffee at this time when the baby she doesn’t shout it out like you
are so ingrained in your bones that it is a gift the Lord was giving me this revelation. I was probably would think you would when you
from heaven. telling her, “I’m John the Baptist, Karrie. And finally got the news that you were pregnant.
you’re Jesus!” (laughs) Because therein lies the And she knows that, she understands that,
It’s something I think we all need to carry, but I dynamic, there would never have been a Jesus after years and years of wanting and finally
think it’s something God actually burdens and without a John. If Gabriel had never come when having a baby inside of her she understands
lays on people’s hearts as well. When you get to he came, if God had never opened a womb that you probably want to tell it to the world.
forty don’t spin yourself into a disaster because when He did there would never have been a But Elizabeth doesn’t, in fact scripture says
you’re not writing songs as successful as that fourteen year old girl who six months later the she hides herself away for five months (and
person. Or that person one upped you in CCLI, angel would visit and say, “Hey, you’re going to five is the number for grace). I think that was
or that song got higher than yours. Come on, carry the light of the world.” And her response her way of saying, “I’m just gonna worship, I’m
girls, nothing is ever going to be kingdom wise is kind of just like Zech’s, “How can this be so?” just gonna worship, I’m just gonna worship.”
if that’s what we become. And we can get into
But she does so in a manner that when Mary
those positions because we let disappointment But her response doesn’t come because she’s comes up the walkway she automatically
gnaw on our bones for years and years and we been fed years and years of disappointment knows the Son of Man is in her belly. And that
forget who God’s called us to be, and we begin and had to deal with God not showing up when baby starts to twirl, and twirl in her womb, and
to thrash around with our identities and our belief she wanted God to show up, she’s fourteen, kick and squirm, because anything that is going
systems. The thing is, if you stay centered in the she’s just living the dream. So she says, “Be it to pave a way for anything… that is going to
Lord everything stays identifiable. The minute unto me, because all I want is you.” And she make it known it’s out there… begins to move
you jostle this way or that way is the minute ends up the mother of Christ, and we know accordingly. That is what happens when the
you will start questioning things. And its not that in scripture that when she makes her way power of God can transfer, and the power of
22 August 2019
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