what you’re seeing in this portion of scripture is beauty pageant spirit?” He was like, “Yeah, sudden it’ll come out at a time that it doesn’t
the resident disappointment that’s sitting in his it’s just insecurity but it trollops and trumps want to have to come out. And for Zechariah
soul, “It’s not going to be talked about anymore everybody else.” I said, “Okay, well I aint’ no that’s what it is in scripture. And for the sake
because Gods not gonna answer, it’s not Barbie so how am I going to deal with this?” He of time I won’t keep going through the story
going to be brought up anymore in the house said, “Ask me for a word for every girl on the very long because I want to make this point.
because they prayed for all of these years and team. Ask me for a prophetic word for every There are two women in this story who are so
God still hasn’t done it.” So all of a sudden a girl on the team, next time you’re up with them powerful. You know when the Lord said, “You’re
holy thing occurs and out of his throat that’s all speak the prophetic word over them, you’ll a John the Baptist,” and then I’m reading about
he has to say to an angel, “I don’t believe you, crush insecurity like that.” I said, “What?” He how John the Baptist came into being and I
how can this be so? How can you actually be goes, “Yeah, because insecurity just sits there realized that his parents actually struggle with
doing this now, are you kidding me?” because it hasn’t yet received the truth about a belief in God. They’re super normal, but what
themselves from the Lord. So if you speak truth makes them blameless is they stayed in the
And its almost an insight for us to understand it’ll squash that thing right in the middle of it.” center. They stayed in the house worshipping
where our disappointment is even in our youth, And it did, never had a problem with it again. the King, they stayed serving the Lord, they
because disappointment will sit there and age in And anytime I felt it creep up I’d go, “I need didn’t decide to leave and curse the church
your bones. You’re working and living in a place a word for Jane!” (laughs) and the Lord would and say goodbye and give them the bird and
where there is contention and competition all start telling me how much He loved Jane, and be done with it. They didn’t gossip and mock
the time. I will never forget being on the stage at all of a sudden it would be gone. on the side, they just kept doing what God had
a church I had been on staff at for about seven
told them to do because they knew that’s what
years, where we had about 37,000 people a Do you see what I’m saying? That if you live they were called to do. Then all of a sudden
weekend. And I was like, “What is going on - long enough with disappointment in your bones God shows up because God’s timing is perfect.
on this stage?” and the Holy Spirit said, “Oh, its because… “God hasn’t yet, God doesn’t, I If God had done it fifty years before, if God had
it’s the beauty pageant spirit.” I was like, “The can’t understand why God won’t.” All of a come to them when they were crying out fifty
20 August 2019
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