screaming for healing, or do I preoccupy myself where when anybody came back and said they over in all of my life. And it wasn’t until maybe
with how to get my name out there?” And I wanted to give me a word I was like, “Man, I two years ago that the Lord said, “Do you know
couldn’t do it, I couldn’t care more about the hope this one’s a husband, please let this one why I repeated that word? Because you didn’t
merch table then I cared about who was laying be a husband.” But it was always like, “You’re listen to it the first time, and you’ve wasted so
on the floor. going to carry worship to the nation,” and I many years trying to cast off what you didn’t
could almost finish their sentence, “I know, I want, that you haven’t been able to fully walk in
I want to tell you that there’s a move of God know, I’m gonna carry worship to the nation.” what it is you are.”
coming and He doesn’t care about the merch (laughs) Then this one guy comes back a long table. The table is there for a reason, all of these time ago and he says, “God gave me a word I wasn’t really made to make a way, I was made
beautiful things that we have, God has initiated for you, you’re a John the Baptist. You’re the to prepare it. It doesn’t mean I won’t do things,
people, God has put this gifting on people, voice of the one calling in the desert ‘Prepareth and it doesn’t mean I won’t have incredible
but if that becomes your objective then you’ve the way of the Lord!’” And I just kind of looked advances like I have had in things that blow my
missed the whole point. Don’t worry about at him, and I tried to look at him like I was mind because God is so favorable, but I now
what you can’t control, let the Lord bring favor receiving the word, but inside I was like, “I understand my role more than I ever have.
to you in a way that only God can bring favor to don’t wanna be John the Baptist, nobody likes you. My encouragement even today is that… John the Baptist!” John the Baptist smells like So I’m going to read this scripture out of Luke
figure out what lane you’re in and ride that lane body odor when he comes into a room, he’s a chapter one. In verse five it says, “In the time
out! hippie, nobody loves John the Baptist, nobody of Herod King of Judea there was a priest
receives John the Baptist, I don’t want to be the names Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly
I remember I was in a green room years ago voice in the desert saying “Get outta your crud division of Abija: his wife Elizabeth was also
and this prophetic guy was there and a lot of and get your act together!” I don’t want to be a descendant of Aaron. Both of them were
times I would get words like, “You’re going that kind of person even in my writing. But the righteous in the sight of God, observing all the
to take worship to the nation,” to the point word came over, and it came over, and it came Lords commands and decrees blamelessly. But
August 2019
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