they were childless because Elizabeth was not who has that Sunday service and he comes the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous.
able to conceive, and they were both very old.” to basically bring all the prayers of everybody To make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
else outside into the house, into the throne. So Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure
I love this paragraph, here is this couple, they’re that’s Zechariah’s job, Zechariah’s job is, “No of this? I am an old man and my wife is well
really amazing and in fact they both have one is answering me anymore, but let me go along in years?”
incredible lineage, he’s a priest in the house get everybody else’s stuff and let me bring it of the Lord, she’s in the lineage of one of the on the altar so that at least God hears them.” Not one ounce of bad news, and I’m telling you,
daughters of Aaron, and hey, they’re blameless So, he’s in the house doing that and Gabriel the I adopted by myself fourteen years ago and my
before God. They follow everything He said to angel appears, and this is what Gabriel says, son is from Zimbabwe, born in the states, and
follow. They live in this place of righteousness he doesn’t come with one ounce of bad news, I I’m West Coast, and now I’m living in the South
and holiness before the Lord. Oh but comma, love this. He has to tell Zechariah in verse twelve with a black baby and I’m carrying something
sideline… they’ve never received the promises not to be afraid because Zechariah is gripped that I was never ever had a grit to carry, and
of God and now they’re super old. with fear, and he says, “Your wife Elizabeth will now I’m going to have to fight it for the rest of
bear you a son, you will call him John, he will be my life. And God’s asked me to do this and I’m
So the first question that the Lord brought up a joy and a delight to you and many will rejoice all in. If an angel would have showed up to me
to me is can you be disappointed and still be because of his birth, for he will be great in the and said, “Girl, you got this. This is the kid’s
blameless? According to scripture you can, sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or name, you’re never gonna have to struggle with
because here’s a couple that carried the holiness other fermented drink, and he will be filled with this, you’re never gonna have to struggle with
of God and the blamelessness of God, but you the Holy Spirit even before he is born. He will that…” I don’t know how many moms are here,
don’t really see the resident disappointment bring back many of the people of Israel to the but I would have loved a visit from an angel
in the bones of them until an angel appears Lord their God. And he will go on before the giving me one hundred percent guarantee that
in the place where Zechariah is now, his lots Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn that kid is going to follow the Lord for the rest
been cast. It’s like an altar ministries pastor the hearts of the parents to their children and of his life. Not one ounce of bad news. But
18 August 2019
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