these guys are worship leaders in churches that have how we compromise it, but he can’t have with radio then, and we met with… you guys
are busting at the seams because they know the gift itself. have it so easy, I’m just telling you… we met
there is something more out there. So how
with radio and we met with the label, and radio
come we can’t grab a hold of the Creator in So I really want to share with you something said, “Well Rita, we love you, but your voice
the church regardless of whether He takes us out of scripture that I can throw onto you to scares our listeners. It sounds way too secular
into other dominions? But there has to be this maybe encourage you as you progress to what for us.” And I was like, “My voice sounds too
revival that’s created in us where anything that Gods called you to do. I loved my heritage secular?” And they were like, “Yeah, it sounds
comes out of us, whether its in a motion picture, because of that, but if the Lord would have more like Sheryl Crow…” you know, and all
whether its on a secular tour, or whether its in come to me back then and said, “Hey by the these other secular artists.” I was like, “That’s a
the church, that it’s the same stream because way, the ditch you’re digging right now you’ll bad thing?” (laughs). But apparently the texture
it comes from the same Creator. I’m a big never build a house in. Somebody else will live of my voice twenty years ago just wasn’t really
believer that we shouldn’t have ceilings. My kid there.” I probably would have been like, “Wait, that well received. So I thought, okay, I’m a little
is fourteen, he likes Trapp and Rap, and now I wait, wait. What do I get out of this?” Because before my time.
love Trapp and Rap (laughs) because I won’t let a lot of times when we set off on our journeys him have a ceiling. I’m not going to say, “That we’re actually setting off to find a way, make I remember the record label said, and this one
music is not really the Lord…” You know? I’ve a way, and figure out where we are going to always makes me laugh, “We’ve gone to your
asked the Lord. The Lord loves Rap. No He settle. I realized later on that what the Lord was events and you’re amazing. But people are
doesn’t love the compromise that the world actually doing was asking me to make a way like, lying all over the floor sobbing and we
will put to things, or even that sometimes we for other people, to prepare a way for other don’t know how to get them back to buy the
will put to things because we’re wrestling with people. So there is some of my life that I lived product because they’re just all out of control
our identities. But He loves what He is about, in tension. I remember being at a record label on the floor.” And I’m like, “Should I hold back
and He’s about rhythm, and He’s about lyric, here in Nashville years ago, like twenty years all of that stuff that comes out because there
and the enemy can’t have that. The enemy can ago, and this is what was said to me. We met is brokenness in a room that wants and is
16 August 2019
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