been wrecked ever since. That is the center was not even something that we ever thought believe, if you hang from chandeliers in your
and the core of my being. The fact that He tips about. I mean it was a dream, but there were church services, sometimes I do, but I believe
over lyrics and spills over melodies from heaven never enough writers who were women who in everything His word says that God is. I hear
to me is just not lost on me, it’s really an honor believed and had confidence enough to even from the Lord and I love to talk to the Lord. So
and a privilege. Getting to know the Lord, and stand up and say, “God has given me words, I told Karrie, and maybe it’s a little bit… I love
getting to connect to the Lord and figuring out God has given me lyrics, and I’m confident to sit with God and talk to Him so it’s a way for
that there is more and more of God to have. I enough to actually sing them publicly.” me to do that… so I said would it be okay if I
just want to give that to you today in this time.
just got a prophetic word for everybody? She
You are really in this beautiful place that God was like, “Oh my gosh, of course you can.”
I feel like there is a specific word that God has, has given you to do this, and it’s a marvel for And the list kept growing, the poor people
I told Karrie, and I don’t care if you think I’m me to sit back and realize that there are wings sitting on planes with me as I’m typing away
weird. I think I’m kind of weird (laughs). But in all over this room that will fly higher than I ever and mumbling to myself as I pray about you.
cultivating a life of relationship with Jesus, you thought possible. And that just breathes this There are so many of you, you’re going to get
can’t do that without cultivating an ear to hear energy in me, I think this is what I’ve lived for. an email from me this week, Karrie is going to
Him. I don’t know how we’d write about Him This is what I’ve lived my whole life to see. give me your emails because I think it would
(without hearing Him). I was walking around
take forever if I just called out your names.
just thinking how privileged I am to be like a So I just want to throw some stuff on you, I’ve godmother in a place where there’s all of these been listening to God my whole life, I love the But I really feel like the Lord gave me a specific
beautiful young brilliant writers and melody sound of His voice. I think He’s amazing, and word for everybody, and if it doesn’t sit with
chasers that are women, that are female. And you can’t hear Him without hearing Him talk you, if you read in and you’re like, “Huh, that
I’m telling you as somebody who’s an old about other people, and so I’ve cultivated this doesn’t make sense,” you can throw it away
geezer, you have no idea, I was alone in my life of the prophetic. So I don’t know where if you want, or, keep it and just wait. Because
era for the most part. I couldn’t find this, this you guys go to church, I don’t know what you I don’t think the prophetic is something that
August 2019
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