life” and it’s probably the most rewarding thing that they’re doing for you guys today. This is
I’ve ever done with my life. I think no song can an amazing opportunity that you have. I was
I just really want to thank Karrie, I had the compare, I always said the best song I ever walking around yesterday when we got here,
privilege of meeting her just a few months ago wrote was when I adopted fourteen years ago, and most of you don’t know me, but some
in a writer’s room, the guy that is producing our I’ll never write another song like it. So, the thing of you do. I’m just not a big deal, I’ve never
new record set us up with some writes. So I met that I love to do more than anything is to “throw thought of myself as a big deal. I tripped over
her and through that she asked me if I wanted life” on people, so that’s what I’m going to do the presence of God when I was a kid and I was
to come to this thing, and I said I’d love to. This this morning. in loss and I was in darkness. I was fatherless
and motherless by the time I was twenty, and I
is kind of one of my favorite things to do, I have
created and cultivated a lifestyle of “throwing I’m grateful for Capitol and I’m grateful for all
12 August 2019
tripped over the presence of God and I’ve just
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