is supposed to make you feel like you’re less years of your life you’re going to see this height whenever I’m in your presence. It’s a super
than. The prophetic is courage thrown on you just keep going higher and higher. Because honor to stay in your incredibly clean house,
in the season that you’re in or the season that when God takes you higher it means His trust (laughs) I’m not kidding, it’s an incredibly clean
you’re going into. So I felt like the Lord was just level is more, and more, and more. And every house. But when I started praying for you, even
all about you ladies, and it’s probably been one time you’re given an artist, and every time on the plane, the Lord was very captivating
of the easiest times I’ve ever heard from the you’re given somebody to breathe life into, you when He talked about you. And I get that
Lord, every time a name popped up. In fact, reach higher and higher and higher. So I think sometimes when the Lord gives me word for
just yesterday when some of you were telling you’re going to see the perspective spiritually people, I get that sometimes for people who
me your names I was like, “Uh huh, I know all of what God is doing in music and what God are multifaceted in their gifting. And He said,
about you… (laughs). I’ve been hearing about is doing. “You know, she is one of my best Girl Scouts.”
you from the Lord.”
And I know you’re Australian so I don’t know if
I think there’s even a different level to it to you you have an Australian version of Girl Scouts,
But there is one word that I felt the Lord say [Karrie] that you don’t really talk about, that but you’ve been here long enough that you
I would have to do publicly. And actually two, you have dreams for and that are part of those know what a Girl Scout is, you’ve probably
because Karrie, this morning the Lord gave heights. So I just felt like the Lord wanted to eaten a lot of their cookies… I have. I was never
me this picture of you on a high dive. I started encourage you that where you’re at now, a good Girl Scout because I couldn’t fit in the
asking Him about it and He said she started which is a high level, you’re just going to keep outfit (laughs). But there are badges that you
being really afraid of heights, and she started climbing because of the way that you want the get, and the Lord said, “Go find the badges and
just jumping into the water from the pool edge. goodness of the Lord. tell her she’s won every badge.”
spiritually. I’ve taken her in the business higher Mia, I just really felt like the Lord said, “You can’t So I’m going to just read off these badges.
and higher, to where I just saw this high dive send Mia her word you have to give it to her Be a sister to every girl, this is who you are
way up in the clouds, and I feel like the next ten publicly.” And the reason is that I’m so honored Mia. Considerate and caring, courageous and
14 August 2019
But I’ve not only taken her higher and higher
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