really wanted to name me “Melodie” in hopes it
would mean that one day I would pursue music
in some way.
None of my family is in the music industry, but I
grew up in the church like I said, and my Mom
sang in the choir and that kind of thing. My Aunt
played piano. It was a musical family, but in the
church and not in a professional way.
[WM] And speaking of Beth Roars (no pun
intended), tell us about the new Passion
Conference recording, Roar. I believe you
led worship on at least three songs; “It is
Finished / Surrounded”, “No One But You”,
and “Praise Him”.
[Melodie] This is a really special record for
us, and the crazy thing is, if you are familiar
with Passion you know we record a record
every year, and we usually come in with seven
or eight new songs and this whole concept or
idea at conference that were going to record
these songs. We’ve never played them for
people, and we hope they like them, we just
need to sing them so many times that by the
time we get to the recording they’ll know them
and be able to sing them, that kind of thing. truth as you see it in your own life, and the
And this year was really freeing for us, because role of compassion and justice that all worship
we came in saying, “I don’t know if we’ll record musicians should be aware of.
a record.” We had some new songs that we
had in the hopper and thought if there was the [Melodie] You’re right! We really do say that
right moment, we would do them, and a couple worship and justice are two sides of the same
of new songs we knew we were for sure going
to do. We knew we were going to capture
coin. We know that worship is our response to
It is Finished
God for who He is and what He’s done. That’s
everything, but it was really freeing for us to be
what our Pastor Louie has ingrained into my
able to just lead and know we’re here because and moving. For me that’s what I love about this brain, and I love that definition of worship. It
this present moment is all we have, and we record, it feels like it really does capture what continues on to say that it’s in the way that we
want to experience Jesus in this moment and was happening in the room, and if you were do things and in what we say and what we do,
lead people to experience Jesus. So freely there you get to revisit those moments, and if so it’s not just empty words that we speak but
leading in that way we stepped back from the you weren’t there you get a glimpse of what it’s a way that we live our lives, it’s a response,
conference and we realized that we have this happens when 65,000 people, and college its gratitude, its being able to reflect the glory
record. And to me this record, more than any students of all people, come together and of God back to God. In 2 nd Corinthians 3, in
in the past few years, is such a throwback to worship Jesus. It’s an incredible sound journey. one version, it says that we are like mirrors
the original Passion recordings, and Passion
that reflect God’s glory back to Him. I think
is over twenty years old! It just reminds me of [WM] The Passion Movement has the great that’s more than just standing on a stage and
those early records where we were really able underpinnings of worship and justice being singing songs. It’s standing at this intersection
to capture something special happening in the tied together. They really go hand in hand of heaven and earth and seeing what there is to
room and the presence of God really stirring with each other, don’t they? Tell us about this do and seeing how we can be there for our city
April 2020
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