and our neighbors in need. Being able to serve that I love about Scripture is that it says, “Sing happened so quickly and so fast, and I love
those that need to be served and looking out a new song”. Sometimes you may think “Surely it because it really feels like it’s a song for the
for the “least of these”, that’s worship as well we have enough songs that talk about the church and a song that anyone can sing, it’s
because those are the people that God cares Gospel and who God is”, but it’s really great to sort of an old hymn in my mind. For me it’s one
for and has compassion for. So, we can reflect see how there are always new ways to come of my favorites.
God’s heart back to those people as we do around the same thing, and new ways we can that ourselves, and that fuels our worship even express very similar things.
For me songwriting is something that I’m still
more in that its more than just lip service.
very much working on and crafting my abilities.
Phil came down for a writing camp that we I love writing with other people right now. We
[WM] Another aspect of your worship were having for Follow You Anywhere, and we do a lot of writing camps which to me is the
expression is that you have co-written quite kind of paired up. It was myself, Kristian and most fun. You’ll be in a room for three hours
a few songs, including compositions with Phil him. Kristian came with this idea and then with a couple people, grab lunch and then
Wickham, Jimi Cravity, Ed Cash, Sean Curran, Phil just kind of ran with it. Honestly this song kind of switch it up and go write with some
and Kristian Stanfill, just to name a few. Tell us other people. That helps me really know who
about “Behold the Lamb”, which you wrote I connect with and who I enjoy writing with. It
with Kristian and Phil. What was the experience helps me with my strengths and my weaknesses
behind writing this song? How do you best to pair up with someone who maybe has the
enjoy the craft of songwriting? opposite, or who can challenge me. I always
want to be with people who will challenge me in
[Melodie] I love that song. I love all of the the sense of being open handed and willing to
songs that talk about the Gospel and that’s make the song the best that it can be. So, I love
really where that song came from. One thing
Behold the Lamb
co-writing a lot, because I love how different
photo by Anna Meyer
April 2020
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