[Melodie] I think if there is one thing that our God too, in the joy of the Lord. It was incredible [WM] It’s interesting that your first name is
team was really grateful for this fall, it was these for us to have these moments where you could “Melodie”, because you have an exceptional
worship nights. So much of what we do as reach out and touch someone and pray over voice.
Passion Music is these big events with lights, them and know that in that moment all of music critic and vocal coach Beth Roars,
and Sundays where you’ve got a strict twenty- these people, for the most part, are joining us recently posted about your “Reckless Love”
minute time limit. We all believe that the Holy at Passion 2020. So, to know that those were performance.
Spirit can move in twenty minutes for sure, but just moments that were preparing the way for you would find yourself being critiqued by
for us these nights where there was little to no this massive gathering where you can feel like someone who primarily examines mainstream
production and there wasn’t a speaker most of no one can see you, and realize that you are performances?
the nights. It was just us as a band being able intimately known and cared for. Having had to be one foot away from these people who those moments felt like one big pop-up for [Melodie] Oh absolutely, I don’t think that was
are experiencing Jesus, being able to interface us, which honestly you never would have said anything I ever expected to happen (laughs).
with them, and being able to see God with except for having experienced all of that. Those We absolutely want to do everything with
them. I think it just reawakened something in were really special moments for us that I think excellence, and I think about that stuff when
our hearts. It reawakened why we do what we we would all like to do every year, honestly. I’m preparing, but I absolutely try to move past
do, and it allowed us to catch a glimpse that it when I’m leading so that when I’m leading
there is still more that God wants to do in us I’m not trying to think about what I’m singing
and through us as worship leaders. but about, what’s happening in the room and
where God is moving and what He wants to do.
Honestly too, we had a blast, we had a lot of fun So, it was like, no way would I ever think that
looking at each other face to face, I get to look this would happen. I get the question all the
over at Jeff, our keys player, and he’s always time, “Did your parents know you were going to
laughing and always making somebody laugh. be a singer?” And of course, they didn’t know
So, it’s enjoying each other in the presence of
Reckless Love
that, but my Dad was a big proponent and
photo by Brooke Bennett
April 2020
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