because I had a good upbringing with good She had left everything to come to live in Ireland kind and compassionate God. I deserved no
morals and good teaching. and I moved away to pursue the dream of rock- mercy; I deserved no grace. And I continue to
and-roll music or whatever. receive that mercy and grace.
would, you know… adultery and drunkenness When I came back to Ireland, I really had [WM] What are some of the top pieces of
and violence, my girlfriend lead me to Jesus! nothing going for me. I had no job and my music advice that you received that you found
That’s where our story just completely changed. music career was finished. She was happy totally valid and helpful?
We had a really radical change, like overnight, and that’s the thing that really struck me; that that set us on a whole new path. she had changed completely. I don’t know if I [Darren] Well, I don’t really like talking about
even knew how to love anybody at this point in myself, but you know, we’ve sold a lot of
my life. records and done some TV shows. Toby Mac
After years of doing things that I thought I never
We have four kids now! We’ve got three boys
and a girl. The newest boy is nine-months
reminded me just a few days ago though, that if
old, so we’re a busy house. My wife holds it I started going to church with her and I saw we’re looking to commercial success to satisfy,
all together really well. Our oldest is a nine- these people who were dancing and jumping, it’ll never happen. So Toby, who’s been doing
year-old boy… nine going on fifteen. He has singing and laughing… and I was feeling such this for 20 years, is keenly aware that no record
his father’s passion for being strong-minded. I melancholy in my heart that I did not know deal or success level will ever satisfy that deep
really don’t want to curb that much. I want him how to process that. I knew it was something longing in your soul that only Christ can fill. No
to grow up wise and fierce, because he’s going I didn’t have and so I would go every weekend matter what awards or accolades you receive,
to need that in the world. with her to church. It was in my hometown in at the end of the day, God’s going to want to
Ireland. One night I just remember the feeling… know… did you know Him?
[WM]: Your wife lead you to Christ, tell us I remember thinking that all of the things that I that story? had done were going to consume me. It was The second was simply to write the bad songs!
in that moment that I gave my life to Christ. Put the effort in; put the work in. God gives you
[Darren] Yeah! She had fallen in love with Honestly, I think I came to God out of fear, visions and dreams, but then He requires you
Jesus on Easter Sunday in 2007 back in Ireland. but it was the love and forgiveness of my wife to actually work the work and walk the walk
We had been separated at that point, I was that really demonstrated the love of Jesus. So, and build character. The music industry is all
living in America and she was living in Ireland. through that, I just fell in love with this incredibly about relationship. People will remember less
Annette Holloway Photography
April 2019
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