Annette Holloway Photography
Darren Mulligan of
by Mitch Bohannon
I caught Darren Mulligan of We Are Messengers more of a rock thing. You know, Jeremy Camp 2000’s in the USA and moved back home. My
on the phone from a coffee shop in Albany, is there and Jordan Feliz. It’s really interesting girlfriend led me to Christ in 2007 and we were
New York while he was on Toby Mac’s Hits how all these styles of music come together. married in 2008.
Deep Tour stop. Darren has a love for a They are so different, but the thing that we good cappuccino, chocolate croissants and have is we have this unity in common that I grew up with really a normal upbringing. We
hurting people… brings us all together. It’s pretty amazing seeing were relatively poor. I had three brothers and a
people singing every word of every song… it’s sister and we had all the love, attention and joy
something beautiful. that you could ever hope for. I came from a very
[WM] You’re out on the Hits Deep Tour. What’s
that like?
religious Roman Catholic house. It’s different in
[WM] You moved from the U.S. back to Ireland than it is in America. In Ireland, it was
[Darren Mulligan] I really love the musical Ireland, in 2007 and married in 2008. Tell us much more about cultural affinity than it was
diversity that’s out on this tour with a whole about your family? about actual faith or belief. As I grew up, I
range of different artists. You’ve got Toby Mac
with his Hip Hop thing and we’re out there with
became more agnostic and atheistic. I fell into
[Darren] Yes, I was in a rock band in the early
April 2019
the kinds of things that I thought I never would
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