Annette Holloway Photography
about how you sounded and more about how
you in Ireland before you came to the USA?
you made them feel. So, treat people well and
be kind.
[Darren] For We Are Messengers now, we’re
just going back to the start. You know, why did
[Darren] Yeah, it was just much more we start all of this in the first place? We started
simple. It was really a beautiful time for my this to hang out with prostitutes, thieves, and
[WM] Did you receive any “advice” that turned wife and me. We would just travel in the car on the outcast… indigents, the lost and the lonely.
out to be totally incorrect? weekends and sing in tiny little churches, halls That’s why we started this. To remind them that
and communities. We would just tell people Jesus came for the outcast, the hurt and the
[Darren] Honestly, I think that 90% of the of this incredible hope they can find in Jesus. broken. We are sure of who we are because we
advise I’ve received has been good advise. The I look back and see an innocent and naive are sure of who He is.
other 10% comes from people who stand to time, but sometimes I go, “Maybe that was make money out of me. It’s amazing that when the most special time in all of this”. We were The success has sort of dimmed some of the
you do what we do, you become products. new Christians. We didn’t fear anybody or joy in me and stole some of that rawness from
And you just have to learn to say “Yes” to the anything. We had so much excitement. I’m just us. I think with this record, we’ve really got that
things that matter and “No” to the things that saying that sometimes industries have a way of back. The Lord’s been kind to restore that. You
don’t. You have to remember that every time an shaping you, robbing you and stealing the fire know, I laugh… sometimes folks compare us to
artist says “Yes” to something, they are saying from you. like Keith Green, Bruce Springsteen, or Imagine
“No” to their family. So, I only want to say “Yes”
Dragons. We have all these weird things that
to the things that matter, so I can go home to [WM] I’ve heard you say you felt like you loved people compare us to. The reason that I love
my wife and kids and say, “What Daddy did that God more before all of this success and that all of that music is that we’re an honest band.
mattered, and here’s why I did it!” you wanted to get back to the basic simple We tell the truth, we tell the stories. And I think
place with Him for your new music and tour. we go back to that place of absolute honesty
[WM] You’ve had much success starting from What does that look like? What are you going and authenticity in what we do. I’m not saying
your first record release and booming into your to do differently in your shows? that we write the greatest music the world has
sophomore release. What was music like for
ever seen. That’s not what I’m saying, but we
April 2019
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