majorly confident because it’s on my life. There the offering that is solely for Him. When I step it and stepping into it anyway, and finding
is joy knowing that I am stepping into what He’s into a moment when I am leading people in that the more you walk out into it… the more
put before me. You just keep growing into it, worship, that is not when I am doing my art, confident you get. The Lord planned it that way,
and I think the closer we are to Him, the more that is not when I am performing. That is when from crawling to walking to running. He did all
we walk with Him, the less we fear man. We I am leading, leading people into the presence of that on purpose and there is a reason He did
honor them more, but we fear God instead. At and the praise of Jesus. I believe the other can that. We were never meant to just be thrown
this point I would tremble not to do the thing He have the same effect, but when I am in that into something without a process.
calls me to, instead of like before where I was moment that is my assignment. They are two terrified to do the thing that everybody told me different assignments that come from the same More than their stories, I relate to the immense
was the most Christian thing to do, because deep well. emotion that you can see on their faces and in
it’s just not true. And nobody else is standing
their interactions, the depth of what they feel. I
before the Lord, I give an account for that. [WM] Getting back to the movie and the remember feeling all of those things. It was so
That’s the Evangelist side of me that wants to auditions, how much of their journey do you much bigger then, like even the way I would
do something that most people who walk into see in your rearview mirror? handle something today versus when I was
a church service don’t want to hear, they don’t
young. It makes me happy that they’re setting
want to hear a lot of the music we do. They’re [Steffany] I don’t know how much I relate an example for other kids to walk through a
going to listen to something else first, and to the stories as much as I just relate to the healthy process, to deal with things.
I want to give them that something else that humanity of it. I remember being that age will lead them into the other thing, to go a little and having so much emotion, so many things [WM] One of the other things I loved about
deeper and talk about why we do this. you’re processing in everyday life, boys, music, the movie was the relationships. While we’re on
calling, family, and other people around you the topic, it was also a treat to hear Amanda
[WM] With the Blackout disc and related who are dealing with things that you don’t (Lindsey Cook) on the Be Lifted High DVD. You
videos you crossed into an area of art that understand but you want to be there for them. guys are best friends and have been on this
blends music and worship in a way that I’ve It’s just normal stuff that you hit when you’re amazing journey together. So, if one were to
never experienced. It is worship art if you will. that age. I think the fear of my own voice… I make the analogy that you’re a table with three
What are your thoughts about the intersection was afraid to be great. I was afraid to be as big legs, and that your relationship with Amanda is
of the two? as the Lord wanted me to be, as He built me to akin to a fourth, what kind of support has she
be. Because if I stepped into that then I could given you through your friendship?
[Steffany] I do believe very much that to do blow it, too. It was like there was this big fear of
both well, I believe it is important to give Him failure. Then just the journey of walking through
April 2019
[Steffany] I’m already in tears, just crying. It’s
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