crazy because a year ago, March 29 th I did my in that. In everyday life we have wept together, laughter in every season of friendship. Besides
Blackout show when I released my album. This and wept on each other, and prayed through, the presence of the Lord that’s the safest thing
was after what had been a hellish year for me and gone on long walks in silence. We’ve I could imagine, is being safe in every season
and our family and people we were close to, it been together for hours at a time in silence, and safe where you are. Not to be rushed out
was just wild. So that album came out of this or laughing until we are sick to our stomachs and asked to pull out of the place that you’re in
confident encounter with the Lord, it was just because we can’t breathe. I think the Lord just to be with someone else. We’re all in it all the
so beautiful it sent me into a whole new season knew, He knows what we need and there is a time, and we just choose that.
of life. I felt like a different human, you know? I depth of connection and a depth of strength passed through into something else. And here there, that doesn’t even come from spouses. And the music that comes out of it is just like
we go a year later, she’s been through it too. In David and Jonathan, it talks about the love a little five-minute blurb of this thing that was
A year later here we are… and her album just deeper than that of a man and a woman. It’s a months and hours, you have no idea. There’s
released literally within the same twenty-four very strange thing and I think people really skew too much to say about it to answer really well
hours as mine did. And I was able to make that it. But it’s just saying that there is something the way I feel about it. I never would have
album with her. We just keep making it together here that you won’t find another place. started playing songs for people if Amanda
as we walk through life together, and these
hadn’t told me that the world needed to hear
albums are just the recap of all of the life that God set up each relationship to be a different that song. I never would have. I didn’t believe in
we do together - all of the time. kind of strength to us. We’re kind of just brave it. I was just sharing it with my best friend. And
for each other at different times, it’s kind of she said, “Steffany, the world needs to hear this
I think that if she’s the fourth leg of my table… like we swap all the time, I don’t know how to song”. And I wasn’t sure about that. And now
we’re so different, but I think that it’s very David explain it, there is this ease that we’ve found she will play something for me and be unsure
and Jonathan in the sense that we switch after all of these years. If she’s in the middle of if it’s good, and I can say, “You had better play
places an awful lot. On minute I’m David and a celebration and I’m in the middle of a terrible that, because it is going to set people free”. So
the next minute I’m Jonathan, and we’re crying season, I’m able to find my joy and it’s a gift, I don’t know if you guys would hear
very comfortable with that. We’re both very dance with her and celebrate her… and she half of our music if we both didn’t believe in
comfortable to take the back seat when it’s time has done the same for me. And there is room, each other. It’s so cool, it’s a gift. Just bragging
for the other to shine, and there is so much joy there’s room for grief, and there’s room for about my bestie!
April 2019
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