Bright Ones // “We Dance” Dance Tutorial
they wont. But you get to set a table and I think
that’s where we get our authority.
Even now I don’t lead people in worship like I
ever did before, like that young girl you saw in
Be Lifted High, there’s a confidence now. I trust
that the one I find in secret every day, the one
who is most precious to me, is the one who is
alive, the longer that I walk with God, the more doing it right, because you feel the tension that
I feel like every breath is an offering. I get to collides what you’re learning now and with an
give every breath back to you, you breathe into upbringing and what you’ve been told. I do
me and I’m alive another minute and I give that feel like shedding the fear of man, and you’re
minute back to you. It’s this ongoing exchange going to have a million interpretations. As many
of breath, and it is really that simple and that people as hear your music there will be that
complex all at the same time. many interpretations of what it means, and that
many individual experiences. And that’s the risk
So for me on that journey there was some you take with art, it’s the risk you take being a
kicking and screaming, wondering if I was worshipper of Jesus, people will either get it or
April 2019
going to show up when I offer up my praise. If
He calls me to get up there and do an actual
show, we’re going to call it a show because
that’s what it is. And if I get up there to do a
show like I did with Blackout, this is my offering
unto the Lord. But it is the sort of scenario
where people are just watching, which is so
uncomfortable to me that I can’t even express
it to you. It is so uncomfortable and I kind of
hate it, but there is something I step into that is
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