Chloe Elizabeth Vassallo Peyton Allen Josie Buchanan
matured since then and that in many ways your we did and they’re going to go further. album when it came out, so when I heard the
metamorphosis is not unlike those of the young
‘reimagined versions’ of “No Longer Slaves”
adults featured in the film. How close to home My prayer has been that it wouldn’t just be and “Spirit Move” I was like, “Yes!”. What was it
does this movie hit for you and the team? the lights, cameras, stories and the stage. But like to be able to revisit those songs?
that in the process, at the accelerated rate that
[Steffany] I think it’s hit home in this way. I see this is moving, that their insides would grow [Steffany] Well, it was kind of funny because
it happening for them younger than it happened accordingly. Because they are such beautiful I also recorded a different version of “Bright
for us. And just the explosive nature of being souls and they are carrying something that is Ones” on Blackout. By this point I knew they
known all of a sudden at a certain age, being essentially taking this generation of worshippers were doing “Bright Ones”, but I thought I might
called on, being seen, being in a movie. It’s the and believers by storm. I have been praying for just do a different re-imagined version of it
Christian world thus far, so it’s not like Hollywood them, so that’s how it hit home for me. I look at so that one could really be theirs. I want their
at this point. It hit me in the sense that I had my little girl and think that these are the people version to belong to them, I want them to feel
more time to build an internal structure that was who are going to lead her in worship if they like it’s theirs to do something wild with and
ready for that. At the same time, we do always keep going. So that’s my prayer for them, that that it’s not my vision. So that was really fun
fall on Jesus. We’re never fully ready, and He in the fast pace that they have picked up, that to watch because I just believe in them. We
always makes up the difference. it’s beautiful. That they’re carrying the torch, didn’t have any say in that production anyway,
that they would choose to slow down internally. it was more like a fun surprise to find out what
When I look at them I’m so outrageously proud, That’s why were here, we’re here to help them. the song was going to become for them. When
and at the same time it’s such a different thing And it keeps getting more beautiful, and more I got to hear them do “Bright Ones”, I was like
than what has been on us. As it is with every mature, and more glorious with every layer. throwing things and jumping up and down, I
generation in the church, they are going to
thought it was so good.
carry something special that like they took what [WM] Somehow I missed the release of the
Bright Ones // “Never Gonna Stop” Bright Ones // “Let My Life”
April 2019
Bright Ones // “We Dance”
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