On April 22, Fathom Events will present Bright [WM] Let’s start with how Bright Ones went these kids, and I thought, they’re the bright
Ones in 700 theaters across the country. In from being a youth ministry, to the title of a ones, they’re the next generation, and they’re
case you didn’t know, Fathom Events is owned Dove Award-winning album, and now a full- going to shine like no one else have ever been
by AMC – this is huge! Follow this link to find length motion picture? shining. I’d have to go back in records just to
a location near you, but in the meantime, let’s
find out how long after that they decided to do
hear what Steffany has to say about the movie [Steffany Gretzinger] I will tell you this, they the movie and to call the whole thing Bright
and the coming generation… weren’t even called Bright Ones, they were Ones. But that was just the song I felt was for
just Bethel Music Kids before. I was doing a this generation, so I submitted it when they
Jentezen Franklin youth event, and that was my were asking for songs for the album, and then
first big youth event. I don’t often lead youth, it turned into this huge thing.
I usually do whole church events that are all
Bright Ones // Live in 2018
ages. When I was there in the hotel, I woke up [WM] Ironically, I was watching the Be
in the middle of the night, probably like 3am, Lifted High DVD last night and as much as I
and I start hearing, “Here are your bright ones was touched by what everyone said, I’ll add
/ Lit up with your love / Going in darkness / that Bethel’s video production value has had
We shine for you…” straight out of my sleep. a significant metamorphosis since then. I
I just started praying for these teenagers and was also struck by how much the team has
April 2019
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