about, the practices and observances that I
pay attention to. Sometime I write for my own
survival, sometimes I write things that I hope
are true, sometimes I write things that are all
invitations, to this record which felt so beautiful
perspective of this magnificent shimmering
Good art informs
people about
goodness called God that is something that we
will forever be learning.
I wish I had more practical things. No, it is sort
and we finished it a year ago.
of practical, with practice I think the more that
Then I got to live with those songs in solitude
for a while and let those songs become a
soundtrack and a landscape for my own soul,
we practice whatever it is we are fascinated by,
the artist and
that it leads to more fascination, and I think that
great art informs
and practice those things. Rather than just
bursting out with a record right away, this one
just felt unique because it was in a vault for a
while and I got a chance to just sit with it and let
it teach me, lead me, tell me what it was, let the
is the leader for me, just whatever fascinates.
That’s something very simple, but whatever
keeps us fascinated and inspired is probably
the biggest motivator. I think that’s big enough
people about
to hold all of humanity, in fact I think it does hold
all of humanity, and that makes it fun because
we all get to take part in the wild frontier called
songs inform me about my own wrestle with
God. This wild frontier, this no mans land, that
faith and reality. So I’m excited to hopefully just
sources and hold every living being together, “In
bring that space out into the open and it can practices that prepared you to step into what Him we live and move and have our being”, I
become a heart map for other people. God has done and continues to do through love that scripture.
your life?
My friend Josh was telling me the other day that,
I tend to write out of need, out of needing to
“Good art informs people about the artist, and [Amanda] I think there’s an ebb and flow, and remember things. Music is just the easiest way
great art informs people about themselves”. as we go we grow. Practice is the word. There’s for me to focus my energy into one thing or
That’s my greatest hope for the record, or any childlikeness and a whimsy that sometimes we one thought or emotion, it helps me process
art that I hope to make, that when people hear forget about that is involved in practice, and we emotions. I tend to write very much out of a
it they hear their own song, they hear their own are forever students and forever learning. We need to find a way to express or learn or pray
heart, their own journal. That’s the gift of music, are invited, not into the unsearchableness of something through. Music is just one form
it’s communal, and it’s shared. I feel like other God, but the endless virtual mystery of God. of prayer. Our whole lives are prayers being
people have written soundtracks for my entire And I love that so much, because I think we prayed in our subconscious at all times. They
life, what I was trying to say, how I actually feel, can build camps and houses around our own are signals, honing devices, they send out
enabling me letting something go or embracing
invitations to the divine.
it, whatever needs to happen.
I tend to write out of a need to focus in on
I’m excited that all of those spaces have a something or remember something, keeping
sound and a voice, and we can bring them into a journal. I feel like I am always moved by the
arenas and spaces for people to hopefully do recognition that takes place, when I see moved
some exploring in their own hearts and find the people and we all recognize that language in
Christ right at the center of it for themselves. each other. I’ve been looking for a way to say
[WM] You’ve sung a number of my favorite
Bethel Music //
“You Make Me Brave”
that, thank you, that’s how I feel about the song
“So Will I” from Hillsong. When that song came
worship songs and there are numerous out I just, I was driving and with every single line
days where I’ve had songs like “You Make I was like, “This is it!” You know what I mean?
Me Brave” and “You Don’t Miss a Thing” on Just those moments, and I have so many
repeat for hours. You have an anointing to pull memories in songs, they hold memories for
heaven down in a way that is transformative. me. I think with songwriting what is really fun is
Shouldering that kind of anointing and bringing that people write soundtracks for our lives that
those confidence, unlock us creatively, and unlock our hearts and
courage, and a vertical relationship that is very give us space to breathe and process our lives.
unique. Could you outline some of the spiritual
Bethel Music //
“You Don’t Miss a Thing”
April 2019
Essentially I just write a thank you note back to
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