myself a little bit more.” It’s an afterglow.
and this project felt like art therapy to me. It So, the evergreen trees in the song “Evergreen”
felt like going into those cavernous spaces represent a love that doesn’t go away no matter
Hopefully the afterglow of solitude and re- which felt very intimidating to me, it felt like, the season, there is no season between being
centering and continuing to practice that what will I find if I go there? Is it just really loved and unloved. In this kind of love there is
internal space, because it’s not just going to an lonely in that space? So these were all visuals no way I can earn it or get rid of it, it’s there to
external house on a hill, it’s about the fact that for me for that pilgrimage, and that adventure. stay. Also, to bring back the forest in a clearing,
we are the house on the hill. Saint Teresa of Walking through an evergreen forest and into sometimes we can be in a forest in our minds
Avila writes about the interior castle and how the clearing. What I loved about it is it doesn’t and be three feet from clarity but we just don’t
we all have this sacred symphonic space within feel like one is better than the other, they all go know it because we can’t see for the trees. It’s
us that is infinite. When we get quiet sometimes together. So the heart map is not a map to try when the wind comes in and the breath, and
it can feel cavernous I think, because we to get from point A to point B, the point is not it speaks to our soul and reminds us that we
actually are so spacious and so infinite, and we to get from here to there, it’s to embrace the could take three more steps, there are just
are meant to commune with a divine spirit that spirit of God wherever we are in that space and three more steps left to go, it’s that magnet that
is so wild and so untamed and so beautiful, and then you start seeing how that integrates with pulls us into clarity. I feel like the lyrics kind of
loving, and kind, that all of our egoist things and the other spaces within us. It’s kind of this figure all play off of each other in a therapeutic sort of
all of our wounded-ness finally gets to speak up eight, it all goes together. way, especially because not one place is better
whenever we get quiet and ask to be healed.
than the other.
We wrote about different concepts, we chased
My hope in bringing forward a heart map concepts and visuals for this one, because Removing the hierarchy of religious ladder
of sorts, because I love therapy, I’ve been in pictures to me are healing in and of themselves, climbing feels really important to me at
therapy for years and I have great counselors, to immerse myself in a visual felt really healing. my stage in life. Which is all I can ever write
April 2019
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