them, into the cosmos, a thank you note back I didn’t notice the sunrise for about thirty-three for thirty-three years, that’s narcissistic of me,
to God, a thank you note to people who unlock years, because I didn’t like getting up that early. for centuries, for eons the sun has been rising
me. They all feel like thank you notes, it feels like It didn’t mean that it didn’t rise every morning. every morning. Birds sing every morning, they
we’re just sending thank you notes everywhere. It seems so simple, but it’s like, for thirty-three share their gratitude with the world, and this has
I want to fill the universe with gratitude, which years the sun has been rising, but wait, not just been happening every morning. I wonder how
just feels like worship to me, immense gratitude much there is I don’t know that’s happening?
that takes hold on our body down to our bones And it sounds so simple, but it just propels me
and it affects everything around us. to more fascination.
I think we can get stuck in religious terms, [WM] And speaking of things I loved, it was
even the word ‘anointing’. I’m dwelling in the a total treat to hear and see you and Steffany
ever-living presence of an ever-present God, Dawn (aka Gretzinger) in Pat Barrett’s “Sails”
and that is enough, and that’s enough to
bowl me over everyday. I’m not trying to build
Bethel Music ft. Amanda Lindsey Cook //
“So Will I”
video. Can you tell us a bit about how your
friendship with Steffany has impacted your life?
a movement around that, and there are a lot
of spiritual wisdom teachers who have taught [Amanda] I love it, do we have years to talk
me this through meditation, the practice of about this? I’ll say this, it’s a friendship that’s
becoming aware and paying attention to the evolved. I think friendships where people can
miracle that’s inside us, the miracle that’s grow into themselves and there is room, it’s very
happening around us. I can very easily miss spacious and gracious, that to me has been
it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not there. immensely beautiful. We’re connected at the
Resting in that can be very helpful, you know?
Pat Barrett // “Sails” with Amanda Lindsey
Cook + Steffany Gretzinger
April 2019
soul and we’re wired so very differently. We’re
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