Population Migration
Migration is moving from one place to another, there are many push factors that people that migrate are opened up to. Such as shortages of food, high crime rates, weak education system, poor healthcare, the list goes on and on. And just like there are push factors there are also things called pull factors. Pull factors are the specific things that attract people to a new country like high wages, high standards of living, fresh water, and many more. The people that migrate from one place to another are looking for an overall better place to live and many factors can play a part in that decision. The people that move from a country are called emigrants and the people that move to a country are called immigrants. Migration happens almost everywhere around the world; in fact over 2 million people migrate to different countries every year. There is such a thing called voluntary and involuntary migration. Voluntary migration is when people are free to move where they want under their own free will without force. Involuntary is exactly the opposite, it is when people are forced out of their own country, which could be for many different reasons and they are forced to find a new home in another country.
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Migrant workers - over 35 million people work overseas. Asian women are the fastest-growing category of foreign workers, increasing by 800,000 each year
There are differences in every case of migration. Some people choose to do it the legal way by getting approved and sometimes even getting visas and taking oaths, while others sometimes choose to migrate illegally. The majority of immigrants coming to Canada are from far periphery and near core countries and do not have the education or qualifications to be accepted as a legal immigrant to Canada. These immigrants travel to their target country by water (boats) or land (sneaking across borders).