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World Wide Christians
Just a Word on Words ...
We have all read and heard the Ten Commandments . But it wasn ' t until I read Romans , Chapters 13 through 15 , that I was enlightened with regard as to how God wishes for us to treat one another with both a united mind and voice as we try to love one another as He has loved us . Again this refers to our words . However it is not so much the persuasion from my perspective and translation of the Bible but as it is the strict instruction and expectation that God has for us and how we are to behave towards other people .
Marcie McGallagher Mobile , Alabama MarcieMcGallagher @ gmail . com
As I studied the commandment : “ Love Your Neighbor As Yourself ”, it dawned on me the importance of this method to our own ability to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit . In Romans 13:12-14 , we are instructed to “ put on the armor of light .” It instructs us “ to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no plans to satisfy fleshly desires .” It has occurred to me that when God created the world and the first words He spoke were “ let there be light ”, it became apparent that He is not only speaking of light as we know it , but of Christ himself . The following readings are a perfect representation of that fact .
In Romans 14 we are told “ not to argue about doubtful issues ” and “ not to criticize or put a stumbling block in our brothers way .” Argue , criticize , stumbling blocks – these are all words of darkness and negativity , there is no good that can come from these evils . When we speak these sorts of things to others , it only satisfies a selfish motivation to falsely build up our ego . Why should we do these things ? “ Christ never did .” ( Romans 15:3 ) Furthermore in Romans 15 : 1- 7 there is no mistaking that the purpose of these instructions is to love one another so in return we can receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit . We are told “ to please one another for his good in order to build each other up ”. When we encourage one another and are in agreement with one another it gives God glory , not to mention it makes us feel better as a person – which is actually a gift granted from the Holy Spirit . When we feel good on the inside , it shines on the outside . This sounds a bit cliché but it is also true .
I know its not always easy to be positive towards others , but we are granted great opportunities through grace . Romans continues to teach us to pray about receiving the motivation to be positive influences - “ May God grant us endurance to love one another .” If I cannot love someone right away or treat him / her with love , I am instructed to pray for the capacity and endurance to do so . Sometimes this is a difficult task for me , but I try to be steadfast and sometimes just fake it till I make it really possible . The Lord knows there are difficult people out there and some are not part of the chosen . The point is not to save someone , we do not have the authority to do that , the point is to spread the love of Christ and love one another as Christ has loved us .
I hope you take a moment to read through the Romans reference chapters in this article as it will shed light and love to you and your neighbor .
God bless you and all those you encounter ....