World Wide Christians Magazine June 22 2013 | Page 3

Volume 1 , Issue 4 Page 3

Anniversary Roses

Sitting under the spell of the smell of roses ; An anniversary , a present , a kind word . These are the kinds of things that make life precious , priceless , worth living .
The fragrance captures my imagination ; Brings me to a garden of delight . “ These were the only ones that smelled nice ,” my husband shared . But not before pointing out the two red roses in the bouquet called , ‘ Rainbow .’ “ I was going to take out these two . For me and you for 50 years .”
How sweet . And I hugged him . How familiar after our now 25 years together . Faithful . Committed . Not always blessed years . Good years just the same .
“ Split pea soup ,” he tells me . “ Maybe one day you ’ ll look at me and understand .” “ I understand ,” I told him . And I do .
In New York . In the City . A warm buttered roll , and split pea soup . Just for me . And how do I know ? He hates peas . How many years did it take me to see that it ’ s in his heart – His world – Just for me .
Audrey Semprun Prescott , Arizona Semprunfa @ cableone . net
“ How many years did it take me to see that it ’ s in his heart – His world – Just for me .”
Ephesians 5:1,2 KJV Paraphrased Be therefore followers of God , as dear children ; And walk in love , as Christ also has loved us , and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor .
Joyful Noiz Ministries © 2013

Walk With Thee

I ’ m at a loss , don ’ t know what to do knowing God is carrying me through , seeing His light hitting my face wanting to feel His perfect grace , holding back not wanting to let go , feeling the fear that the devil show , Father help me , I need you now , pull me up don ’ t let me drown . I know I can ’ t do this , all on my own , carry me Father , I want to get to your throne . I give it to you , cause I can ’ t do this alone , guide me Father I want to go home . I am tired of walking , please carry me , deliver me Father , please set me free . I ’ m on my knees , begging you now , please help me Father , show me how . Change the situation , please give me peace , grant me understanding , take this pain from me . Open my eyes , help me see the path You have chosen so I can walk with Thee .
Jodi L . Easter Mobile , Alabama ms . pratt81 @ live . com