World Wide Christians Magazine June 22 2013 | Page 2

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World Wide Christians
Jennifer Sikes New Bern , North Carolina jensikes85 @ gmail . com
“ When I hear the words " Hold on to me " I just reach for Jesus ' hand and I know that he is holding on to me and that He ' ll never let me go .”

Song Stories

Every once in a while we lose our way . Even as Christians we lose sight of Jesus . I think some people tend to think that since we are Christians , we have it all figured out and we can do no wrong . Truth is , we get it wrong more times than we can count . We face hardships just like everyone else and sometimes we fall . I recall a time , back in 2006 when I fell . Hard . See , I was in church but I forgot to do something that many Christians forget to do and that was to take Jesus with me when I left . I had sinned many many times .. including the period of time when I moved in with William before we were married . We started going out almost every weekend with some friends to places we shouldn ' t be hanging out . It was just not a life we should be living and I started to feel like I was leading a double life . Skipping ahead to the end of 2007 , William and I got married and we had stopped going out but we still didn ' t get back in church like we should have . We were letting God in some areas of our life , but keeping him out of others , still living a double life . We of course now walk with Jesus daily and we try very hard not to sin but know that even though you have the best of intentions , we , as humans , are built to sin . This is why we need Jesus so badly because He has taken that sin and He has buried it so that we don ' t have to carry it around anymore . Sometimes I worry so much that I will fall into Satan ' s trap again so I scream out to Jesus the lyrics of a song called Busted Heart ( Hold onto Me ) by For King and Country . " Winter has come back again , Feels like the season won ' t end , My faith is tired tonight , And I won ' t try to pretend , I ' ve got it all figured out , That I don ' t have any doubts , I ' ve got a busted heart , I need You now . Hold on to me , Hold on to me , Don ’ t let me lose my way , Hold on to me " This song sends chills down my spine . When I hear the words " Hold on to me " I just reach for Jesus ' hand and I know that he is holding on to me and that He ' ll never let me go . Yes , like the song says , my faith sometimes gets tired , and I do sometimes try to pretend that I ' ve got it all figured out , and that I have no doubts but , see my heart is busted and I need Jesus to put me back to together sometimes . And He does . He can for you too if you will just let Him . The thing that I have learned is to just not look back . God has already wiped the slate clean and we need not to dwell on the past any longer . Until next time ...
God Bless , Jen
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