World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 52

GUIDE 52 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine keep up. The same is true for DPS queueing as healers for shorter queue times. While some healing/ dps classes share similar gear/ stats, most don’t. Be sure you have enough mana to heal through fights and have the healing spec. Do be actually fill the role you queued for, or, again, you’ll end up kicked from the group. Healers and tanks are too important of roles for people to not queue appropriately. #5 Rule 5: If you don’t know how the fight works, ask. Everyone has to start somewhere, and in LFR people aren’t as angry about things if you just ask upfront how the boss fight works. There are some fights #3 Rule 3: Don’t pull for the tanks, and if you are the tank, don’t pull the boss before the raid is ready. that if you, even as dps, screw #4 up a mechanic, you will wipe the Rule 4: Don’t queue for a raid. No one minds the wipes role you aren’t geared for. as long as it’s because the raid Seriously, if you’re geared for DPS and have a tank as your second failed in some way rather than a reason, and so unless you’re spec, don’t queue as a tank until that a bunch of people new to the filling that role, don’t pull things. you’ve done the work in dungeons game/fight didn’t ask what they Sometimes accidents happen, but to have a second set of gear for needed to know before the pull. doing this taxes the healers and tanking. The stats on tank gear frequently pisses off the tanks make it so that you don’t drop your enough that they’ll leave the health too quickly for healers to group. When the group is forced heal you through. Poorly geared you should always carry a few flasks to wait for a new tank because tanks or people not geared as tanks and food appropriate to your class. If of you, they’re also likely to kick at all will find themselves quickly you’re a hunter, be prepared with a you from the group so that the kicked from the group if the healers pet that can provide buffs to fill in for new tanks won’t leave too. complain you’re too squishy to the missing class buffs. In raids, you Tanks are called tanks for The GameOn Magazine #6 Rule 6: Have food and a flask This is more true for when you raid with a group than in an LFR, but