World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 53

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 53 are expected to have these things at all times. In guild raiding, there’s #8 Rule 8: Check out Icy Veins or communication. No one really wants Elitist Jerks for prioritizing stats and learning your rotations often a bank tab that carries items to wait on you downloading the program you use, so if you have the space for it, just keep all of them on This is especially true for specifically for this. Find out what healers, for whom Mr. Robot can your computer. They have easy to Rule 7: Ask Mr. Robot often prioritize stats incorrectly. use set ups. If you’re shy and don’t No seriously, go to www. Both sites offer insight into the want to talk, no worries; the raid and pull up your theorycrafting behind each class leader will be doing the majority of character’s gear. Now go complete and when to use abilities. Be sure the talking. You just need to listen. all the enchants, reforges, and that you read up on the current gems that are on your shopping patch’s information, since each site list for optimizing your current has to update as the game does. the policy for these are in your guild. #7 gear. This is less important in LFR, #9 #10 Rule 9: Have Mumble, Rule 10: Have fun Seriously, World of Warcraft is still a game, and games should be fun. Following the rul