World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 51

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 51 W #2 Rule 2: Don’t need ith the release of the raid events. I especially love that Dragon Soul patch in it let’s me know when to change Cataclysm, a new form of raiding targets during a fight (so I don’t was introduced - Looking for Raid have to watch for it myself) and will quickly find the raid voting to kick (LFR). LFR was a way to find a literally trumpet yell at you when you from the group. LFR now group to try out a watered down you’re standing in something if you provides for individually rolled version of the 25 man Dragon Soul don’t get out of it fast enough. This gear drops, so everyone gets raid. In Mists of Pandaria, the LFR simple add-on will save you gold something (even if it’s just gold). was expanded further and each from repairs, and it will keep the Green items in LFR will never be raid in the expansion has an LFR healers and other members of the better than the gear you have, and mode. More people are trying group from getting angry about if you’re desperate for it to use for a out raiding than ever before, but your positioning or lack of rotation transmog, then just ask the group this also mean there are some to adds. For healers it can help if you can need for that reason rules that newbies don’t know ensure you’re dispelling targets if before you do it. In guild groups, the about raiding, and breaking these you pay attention to the boss timers, rules may be slightly different, so unwritten rules can cause you to again, keeping the raid happy. always ask your guild’s raid leader. on green gear. Seriously, don’t do it. You’ll be kicked from the LFR group you just waited an hour in queue for. I’ll address several of these here, but do keep in mind guild raiding rules will vary by guild and may only be similar to the rules for an LFR. #1 Rule 1: You must have Deadly Boss Mods or a similar program installed for all classes and have Healbot or something similar for Healers. This is the first rule of raiding with any group. DBM, and other similar add-ons are easily downloaded for free through Curse Client. This add-on calls out raiding warnings and timers. It also gives sound and visual warnings and countdowns to important The GameOn Magazine