Wonder Volume 1 | Page 9

What’s your name?

Lauren C

How old are you?


Tell us about yourself!

I’m not sure what you want to know, I believe that I’m a 19 year old fat ugly vile stupid woman, that doesn’t deserve to live.

When did you start self harming/ having an eating disorder?

When I was 13 for self harm, i am in denial of having an ED

Do you know what caused it?

Yes, but I can’t go into detail sorry, something happened against my will.

What caused you to want to recover?

I love my best friends and I need to live in order for them to get better too

Is recovery hard?

Understatement, it’s one of the most difficult things in my opinion. It’s like being banned from having something that is all you know.

Is there anyone you look up to in helping your recovery?

Yes, I have supportive friends who keep me strong, and I honestly have the best counselor in the world! She is incredibly supportive and I’m glad that I got the courage to get some sort of help.

What quote helps you when you’re feeling down?

’ Don’t lose who you are’ is something i remind myself constantly, I had it tattooed so that when I’m having a bad day and feel rubbish i can just read that. It keeps me strong. I also think, ‘I’ve come this far, why give up now?’