Dream Product

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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur justo adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet turpis dui, sit amet molestie justo. Quisque auctor, lacus at fermentum sit volutpat, neque nisl rhoncus nunc nisi. Donec amet turpis dui, sit amet molestie justo."

I have somethings to tell you that if you would only hearken unto the voice of the Lord and harden not your heart. I am going to bless you exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ask or think! I will give you access to me on this mountain, and every time you come up and spend time with me everyone will know and see my glory all over you! My glory will shine all over your face.You will glow with the radiance from spending time in my presence.

Every where you set your foot, My glory will stand there!In our lives we all go through our valley moments, moments of wilderness. The Word of God tell us that we will reap a harvest if we faint not! Don't give up, do not go back into the very place i have been working to bring you out of. He said we will reap a harvest if we faint not! (Psalms 23) Don't faint, the harvest is here.I'm here to encourage you to keep looking to the hills from which cometh your help, our help is coming form the Lord.I would like for you to draw strength from the prophet Isaiah. (Isaiah 52:7-10)

He encouraged the children of Jerusalem. He said to them... How beautiful are the feet of those that spread the good news of peace and salvation. Be encouraged that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We should feel no evil. For His rod and hos staff protects. We have everything we need because we have him. (Psalms 23)And with Him we can do all things...Even scale the mountain, climb the mountain, over come the mountain, stand on top of the Mountain with and through Him!!!

Who is Pearl?

I am a child of God, a mother, an entrepreneur, an author, involved in women’s ministry and also the communications director of the Leukamia Project Foundation Ghana. I have a daughter who is 10yrs and I am a widow.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about God. I am passionate about servicing in church and about Christian women’s ministry.

Tell us your journey of how you came to know Christ, be a writer and become an entrepreneur.

I was born into a Christian home where we had morning devotion daily. Although I grew up in a Christian home, Iwas not passionate about God at all. The lure of worldly things kept me away from the church when I turned 19. Church going was not a priority at all. I will spend that time hanging out with friends. The Bible says we should bring up our children in the Lord and they will not depart from it. My parents brought us up in the fear of the Lord so despite the fact that I stayed away from church, I eventually found my way back. I got married to a man who also was not in church but was willing to go to church with me. After three (3) years of marriage, my husband was diagnosed with cancer of the bone marrow. This was a trying period for us and during this time, we both turned to God. After he passed on, I decided to hold on to God and not let go. I have not looked back since and I have grown in leaps and bounds. God provided me with helpers throughout. I joined a prayer fellowship where the pastor mentored me, encouraging and teaching me all the way. I also joined a Bible based church where the teaching of The Word was just what I needed to grow.

I am a publisher by profession and I run a publishing and printing firm. Prior to that, I worked in a publishing firm that published children’s magazines. After that, I published a magazine called Career woman; which I run with a friend in Ghana for about six (6) years. My writing started from University where we were required to write stories. I once wrote a children’s story and my lecturer commended me and said I would be a good writer. I must say I didn’t believe him. As part of my school project work, I teamed up with 2 others to publish a book entitled ‘Drugs, Be on Guard’. I also wrote for the

• Career Woman’s magazine,

• Playpen magazine and

• the Bookworm magazine.

My writing started from University where we were required to write stories. I once wrote a children’s story and my lecturer commended me and said I would be a good writer. I must say I didn’t believe him. As part of my school project work, I teamed up with 2 others to publish a book entitled ‘Drugs, Be on Guard’. I also wrote for the

• Career Woman’s magazine,

• Playpen magazine and

• the Bookworm magazine.

Despite all the writing experience, when God called me to write books, I actually felt I was not qualified because as far as I was concerned, I was still a baby Christian. I had to rely fully on God to provide the contents and direction for the first Christian book I wrote.

Where do you find inspiration to write?

My inspiration to write comes first from God. I fully depend on the Holy Spirit for Direction. The Bible is full of stories that can keep you writing your entire life. I also write from situations and circumstances I have lived through and experienced.