valley moments

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by Constance Cooper

We all have tremendous valley moments. Times when we feel like Ezekiel passing through the valley of dry bones. (Ezekiel 37).We go through tremendous pain, exhausting circumstances,deep rooted pain. We have times when we wished God would just end our lives, we the same way Job did when he told God, I wish i was never born!,Why did You ever create me? (Job 3). But Just like God told Job in a whirlwind......Brace yourself!!! At some point in our lives we all have to get up and speak to those mountains and tell them...Be though removed! Matthew 21:21-Mark 11:23).

There will be times when we feel like we have reached our all time low. Our money is low, bills are due, we have hidden sin, we have unforgiveness in our hearts and we just need god to hear us and to move now!there will be and have been times when we have felt like a dog returning to his folly. Especially when we try to take matters in our hands. We try to make things happen within our devices and when they don't turn out the way we planned is when we fall right back in line with the Lord. We come to ourselves and remember we serve a yoke destroying, mountain removing, burden lifting, mind regulating, peace through the valley giving,faithful all the time, loving unconditionally God!!!He calls up to the mountain as He did with Moses. He says come up here I want to share with you, I want to talk with you.

by Constance Cooper


Pearl is a compassionate loving woman who has her eyes set on her ever loving dedication to others. She is a mother, widow, writer, entrepreneur and founder of a women's ministry called Hannah's testimonies. Women's Frontline's African Coordinator, Olivia Okine caught up with her in Ghana and managed to do the following interview, despite her busy schedule and release of her new book, 'Silence is Golden,'