new beginnings

We are indeed priveleged to be entering into a new season as God allows us to start afresh with the new wind of the Spirit. A refreshing wind is falling upon His people and many will begin to see changes take place in their lives as they align their lives with the new revelations and

I believe that it is time to begin to seek the face of God, and His revelation for our life and that of of our loved ones.

We must discern what God is telling us and obey the changes that come with the dscernment. There are things we will not understand, but as the bible tells us to trust in the LORD with all our heart and lean not on your own understanding

There is a major awakening that will take place in his church (The Body of Christ), in his chosen ones and those that are willing to break free from the chains of religion, tradition and the doctrines of man. In order for the church to rise again, there are some things that will have to die, just like Jesus died in order for us to have eternal life.

There is coming a changing of the guards as the sound of the shofar blows louder. Those that are behind in the pew will be moved forward as they begin to operate in their gifts without the fear of man.

This is a time that we must move forward with the gospel of Jesus Christ, in order to impact our cities and nations as God sends us . We have prayed for God to bless us and expand us, but we must not put limitations and boundaries to what God is able to do.

Sensitivity to the Holyspirit is of paramount importance in this season. We must learn to hear the still small voice within us that will lead us to victory over the spiritual darkness which is our worst enemy.




Mary Eisenacher

Constance Cooper

Hildah Lunding

Pearl Occlo Dua


Shelly Wilson





Although it is our natural emotions and sentiment to say that he is gone too soon we must accept that his appointment to travel on this earthly plane was predestined and preordained by God and while he journeyed among us he became a voice in the wilderness and proclaimed the gospel as he carried the banner of Christ high and in obedience calling for all to come and know Christ for themselves as the Lord and Savior.

We cannot pay tribute to this gentle man of God and not rejoicing in the knowledge that his assignment and mandate has been fulfilled and that he is reaping the reward for his good and faithful works done at the feet of the Master.

Yes we will mourn and miss his presence among us, yes we will shed tears of sorrow, and yes we may even fail to understand Gods reasoning behind it all, yet there is one thing we cannot do and that is grieve the loss of this jewel in the crown of Christ for the call upon his life was his joy and a shining example of servanthood and submission to the Will of the Father.

As we say goodbye to the physical vessel that was Phineas Turner and we can stand on the assurance that spiritual vessel that is Prophet Phineas Turner has heard the Lord say...’well done My good and faithful servant...enter the joy of your Lord.

As I was looking at the Facebook page of Prophet Turner is became overwhelmingly clear just how profoundly he touched the lives of so many people in so many different walks of life. To see that he maintained friendships that lasted from childhood shows the mark of a truly humble hearted person; not to mention how he impacted, influenced and motivated those with whom he had only recently connected with.

by Apostle Nakaie Dorsey

Appointed Time International Ministries

Dallas TX

Prophet Phineas A. Turner ll


Nakaie Dorsey