As I have already shared openly, 2013 was a valley year for me personally. Many storm clouds that the Lord and I have been walking through together. Yet many I have known in the past are but a distant fog. But likely this valley season will never be forgotten. There was much “death” in this season. Death of dreams both ministry related and personally. Deaths that cost me greatly financially, physically, and emotionally. I took many risks with the Lord in 2013 yet it seemed nothing fulfilled the vision I thought was from the Lord. Today I can share with you much has yet to be restored..and I am not certain God’s plan envelopes this heart cry of a human soul always.

For much of my life with Him has required a leaving of what is behind…Following Christ has a great cost..a dying to self..many roads of loss. But understand it does not outweigh the beautifully intimate relationship and adventures with Him that He has so mercifully given to me. For without Him there would be no songwriting, no healing poetry, no looking into the eyes of little girls as they finally see Him send them a love letter. I would have little compassion for those I minister to without knowing myself personal heart break. I tell Him often in my closet..no matter what ..I will always love and follow you. For isn’t it the real test? It’s easier to follow what always “Feels” successful, fruitful, good in our own eyes. But will we follow when all is lost….when He is all we have? Our relationship with Him must be stronger and deeper…deep enough to have strong roots. So when the wind blows and the storm rages..we merely cling to HIM alone. He must be our rock.

I was having a down day. The kind where you seem to wander aimlessly around your house unable to really focus on much of anything. I opened my mouth and sang the first line of Hush Little Baby….it just came out of my mouth with no thought at all…”Hush Little Baby don’t you cry. Father says it’s gonna be alright…” I began to cry and hit the record button on my cell phone. I knew Christ was speaking to me. As the next lyrics came out in all of 5 minutes or so…I knew He was nudging me out of my valley. He was not promising the pain would go away or even lessen. But He was proclaiming His purpose in it. He was letting me know the valley would yield fruit I was yet to see. He was also telling me others needed to hear what He had been teaching me in my own valley of sorrow.

Without my valley…you would not be hearing one of the most beautiful and intimate songs between my Father and His child… in a time of need. You would not see inside His heart through poetic messages now released in metal art form and soon to be magazine form known as the From My Closet to Yours Collection.. so how can I not thank Him for this valley. For without it there are things I would not have learned and now know better about Him and His nature with the brokenhearted. I have found His Word to be true and faithful… He is near the brokenhearted…and every valley shall be exalted according to His purpose…


2013 was a valley year for me personally. Many storm clouds that the Lord and I have been walking through together. Yet many I have known in the past are but a distant fog. But likely this valley season will never be forgotten. There was much “death” in this season.

Death of dreams both ministry related and personally. Deaths that cost me greatly financially, physically, and emotionally. I took many risks with the Lord in 2013 yet it seemed nothing fulfilled the vision I thought was from the Lord.

Today I can share with you much has yet to be restored..and I am not certain God’s plan envelopes this heart cry of a human soul always.

For much of my life with Him has required a leaving of what is behind…Following Christ has a great cost..a dying to self..many roads of loss. But understand it does not outweigh the beautifully intimate relationship and adventures with Him that He has so mercifully given to me.

For without Him there would be no songwriting, no healing poetry, no looking into the eyes of little girls as they finally see Him send them a love letter. I would have little compassion for those I minister to without knowing myself personal heart break.