Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

Psalm 127:1

He is calling us back to the supernatural leaning on God Himself. He is calling the church back to the unadulterated Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. He is calling the brokenhearted, the weary, the hungry, the unwanted, the lonely, the weeping, the battered and bruised, and all restless sinners..Come and He will give you rest. It’s time to learn to enter into His rest..allowing Him to do His work that we may see the power of His Spirit at work. Oh may it be as He has said in His Word..

I am including a video from Times Square Church that I heard recently that seemed to confirm that which the Lord had already spoken to my heart about the message of this song. May we have ears to hear. In a few weeks the release of COME will be available and my heart anticipates a great move of God in the hearts of His people and those in need of Him yet do not understand the source of their need. I have personally come to the end of myself so do not think this message is not for me first. I am ready to replace concerts with crusades and halt the powerless activities that while good do not change lives. I am ready to give Him time to heal rather than rush due to agenda’s and human timelines. He desires to set people free yet we many times stop short of His work. I am ready to turn gatherings over to His leading as I wait upon His direction through prayer. I want to see God raise the dead, heal the sick, and save the lost in my lifetime. I am not satisfied ..I long to see Him do a reviving work in this generation…beginning with me.