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Several runs in I reached the bridge of the new song COME in the studio….I remembered the moment I heard this in my head..the day the Lord gave it to me..it was beautiful. It sounded like a shofar and the melody that followed had a hint of Jewish/Hebrew sound….with heavenly runs I had not heard before. Certainly, this was not a typical song the Lord gives to me. What could He be up to I have wondered since that day.

GaryBut now recording the vocals to it…I could hear the pleading of God as I sang COME all who are weary and I will give you rest…the lump rose in my throat as I knew the Lord was preparing to call His people home. It was overwhelming and we had to stop, I just couldn’t get the bridge out of my heart and mouth. Here came the tears. As Gary,my producer, gently said…”Shelly it’s ok -… “He began to share with me the story of Paul Baloche as he recorded the well known worship song, Above All. He shared with me the anointing was so heavy in the room that Paul merely wept…he couldn’t sing and it took hours to finish the vocals. I wiped the tears from my eyes and said “ok..let’s do it” knowing God had appointed this song..in this day and urgent time for a special work.

He is calling his people home. Not just those who have yet to know him as Savior..but the prodigals whom He loves so very much. Also, I must tell you one of the groups I feel this song is for is those who have unknowingly (like myself) operated in the flesh and worn themselves out. Those of us in the body of Christ and in our churches that have with good intent allowed human efforts to overtake us. Those who have not allowed the supernatural work and heart desires of the Lord to reign. Therefore…we have labored in vain . “If the Lord does not build the house”..remember? Then suddenly in the panic of to-dos, endless decisions of all that seems urgent, we do things and make decisions without the nod of our Lord. One day we wake up and have a lot of busyness…with no effect and no joy. We have much depression, fatigue, and are simply weary. We have suddenly realized we have tried to carry the cross alone..in our own strength..rather than His. But oh when we come to the end of ourselves..what a swooping down from an Almighty God occurs! So this song I believe is a plea from the heart of Christ to all those who have come to the end of themselves and are ready to give themselves and their “work” over to the loving care of the Master overseer…for soon when the fire and calamity comes in this world how will our strength endure if it’s of ourselves and not His? Come.. restless sinners and I will make you new..come out of the ways of the world to the ways of God. Come out of the religious mindsets and into agreement with the heart of the Father..Come out of lukewarmness into a zeal and passion inspired from the supernatural work of God..Come all who are weary..and I will give you rest. Come all who have been building something in their own human efforts..It’s time to enter into His rest…