I pray with every tear and all my heart that this song brings much healing to those who hear it. That you will know and believe that

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away (lifts up); and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

May we each surrender to the pruning…that He may bear more fruit and we will bear witness to His goodness and faithfulness…

I need so much to thank a few people who made this song possible. To Gary Leach my producer…my friend…my counselor at times:) Thank you for being a vessel and listening to the Lord on this song. Thank you for knowing my heart and sharing our Father’s tenderness in such beautiful ways. Truly I did little on this except turn it over to you after He gave it to me. You friend..are anointed to hear His heavenly instrumentations. For this I am so grateful. Also….Thanks to my sister friend and many time singing partner, Kerri Crocker and long time Tennessee friend, Tim O’Conner who donated personal funds to help me get this song produced. For hearing what I heard when He gave it to me..and knowing it had to be recorded. For offering of yourselves for the sake of a broken heart and for a greater Kingdom work. I could never thank you enough. For while it will heal many others who hear it…it was the beginning of my own healing and I will never forget your sacrifice.

To my board of directors who stepped in helping me make tough decisions in a tough season and being tender as I struggled to know God’s heart and thank you for knowing my desire was to always please Him. Thank you for praying me through.

To those I ministered to through DQK the Studio…this song pours from a heart missing your sweet faces, your laughter and joy, and your feather hair dos:) Yet I leave you with our Father…stay close to Him…He adores you..and so do I!

And to my husband, Ross, who will most likely scold me for mentioning him:) Yet he held my hand through a rough season and spent many nights catching my tears. For reminding me there are no failures and always reinforcing what Christ says…there was much good during a short season of ministry…and we were able to love many… Thank you for reminding me I am called….when I was unsure whether I could continue on. You ..my man..were Jesus to me..and I love you..

And oh please please leave me messages or stories of how God spoke to your heart from this song…it will likewise be an encouragement for me on my journey as well:) I would like to begin a prayer focus for the broken hearts He is working in and would love to hear your lessons from the valley and healing progress from His beautiful outpour of love.

Love Much…Shelly


I tell Him often in my closet..no matter what ..I will always love and follow you. For isn’t it the real test? It’s easier to follow what always “Feels” successful, fruitful, good in our own eyes. But will we follow when all is lost….when He is all we have? Our relationship with Him must be stronger and deeper…deep enough to have strong roots. So when the wind blows and the storm rages..we merely cling to HIM alone. He must be our rock.

I was having a down day. The kind where you seem to wander aimlessly around your house unable to really focus on much of anything. I opened my mouth and sang the first line of Hush Little Baby….it just came pray with every tear and all my heart that this song brings much healing to those who hear it. That you will know and believe that

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away (lifts up); and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

May we each surrender to the pruning…that He may bear more fruit and we will bear witness to His goodness and faithfulness…

By Shelly Wilson