Women’s Frontline Magazine - DARE TO DREAM SERIES


I want to address this to those married women who are emerging as a

prophetic voice. Please don't share everything God gives you. Every

Word is not appropriate for every person in every season. Remember

the well-timed Word scripture: Proverbs 15:23 (NKJV) - A man [or

woman] has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due

season, how good it is!

Get interested in what your spouse loves to do and talk about it - it's a

two-way street. As you release your love to Jehovah God, He will return you to your spouse. Your

spouse can be a tool in God’s hand, and sometimes wives can’t see that. Pray for that. You and your

spouse are sometimes a team; but at other times, your time belongs to God. The two of you can have a

mission together, also. (Best case scenario.)

Spend time with other prophetic people who enjoy sharing the things they've learned - swap stories.

And if you have children, don't bombard them with everything you've learned. Tender lives may not be

ready to receive.

Women must be careful they are not striking their husbands over their heads with The Word, for the

message takes patience and love. Through the passion and conviction must also come wisdom -

knowledge and revelation as to when to speak and when to be silent. A Word must be tested to whom

and when it is to be spoken. Sometimes The Word is just for the person receiving it, or for release to

one special person.

Courage must be mustered when God requires you to give a person a Word of judgment. Many are

holding back, thinking prophecy is only to edify. We must remember that God’s prophets had to take

critical words, too, to those they thought would chop off their heads. Many wives hold back due to fear

(sometimes rightly so, and other times they are operating in unholy fear). God will prove Himself - if

only trust abounds. As practice makes perfect, this also takes practice.

If you've failed in the past (and no communication between you and your husband concerning God is

present), test the waters again with a few crumbs. You might be surprised that the fish is now biting –

but go slow. As your spouse draws nigh to God, you just may be on the receiving line of the very things

that you have been experiencing. If your comments are still unwelcome, use wisdom and wait for the

Spirit of God to prompt you. That same Spirit gave you the revelation in the first place: can He not do it

with this phase of your life?

o Remember, the Holy Spirit convicts - not you. The Holy Spirit will draw, and win, and


o God is creating a new passion in His church. His passion for His Church is increasing,


o Take care of your spouse's needs. A well-nourished person is much more receptive.

o Ask God to water the garden.

o Don't be surprised when I allow hardship to get his attention.

Recap: Don't get into different camps in your own home. Continue to love your husband. Take good

care of the ones who are still learning and trying to figure God out. Patience is the by-word. Have

courage, strength, and boldness in following God’s Word - His way, His will. Pray always for your spouse

and any children with whom you are blessed. After that, put their spiritual lives in God’s hands and let

Him take over. He will do a much better job.

Thank God and praise Him for your gifts and where you are in Him; for as you stay close to God, He will

share the secrets of the Kingdom. Get into the position of the Bride, with God as your Spouse. You are

in covenant with God and with your spouse. Love, and let him love you. Let the Holy Spirit train you.

God’s Words are your testimony. Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to

my path.

The Holy Spirit’s counsel is the best. Fellowship with other prophetic people is a requirement. Prayer is

a must. Whatever you do in the name of the Lord, He will bless. Keep your position as someone who

prophesies, but not as a Pharisee who condemns with the law. Continue to wait on God. When God

requires you to share a Word, it’s your duty to be obedient: Matthew 10:27 (NIV) - What I tell you in the

dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. If others do not

understand, remember God will remain faithful to that which He has called you to do for Him.

Mary Eisenacher, CEO & Founder, Apostle/Prophet

Call of the Wild Ministries, Inc.

“Helping Others Answer God’s Call”


Spend time with other prophetic people who enjoy sharing the things they've learned - swap stories.

And if you have children, don't bombard them with everything you've learned. Tender lives may not be

ready to receive.

Women must be careful they are not striking their husbands over their heads with The Word, for the

message takes patience and love. Through the passion and conviction must also come wisdom -

knowledge and revelation as to when to speak and when to be silent. A Word must be tested to whom

and when it is to be spoken. Sometimes The Word is just for the person receiving it, or for release to

one special person.

Courage must be mustered when God requires you to give a person a Word of judgment. Many are

holding back, thinking prophecy is only to edify. We must remember that God’s prophets had to take

critical words, too, to those they thought would chop off their heads. Many wives hold back due to fear

(sometimes rightly so, and other times they are operating in unholy fear).

only trust abounds. As practice makes perfect, this also takes practice.

God will prove Himself - if

only trust abounds. As practice makes perfect, this also takes practice.

If you've failed in the past (and no communication between you and your husband concerning God is

present), test the waters again with a few crumbs. You might be surprised that the fish is now biting –

but go slow. As your spouse draws nigh to God, you just may be on the receiving line of the very things

that you have been experiencing. If your comments are still unwelcome, use wisdom and wait for the

Spirit of God to prompt you. That same Spirit gave you the revelation in the first place: can He not do it

with this phase of your life?

o Remember, the Holy Spirit convicts - not you. The Holy Spirit will draw, and win, and


o God is creating a new passion in His church. His passion for His Church is increasing,


o Take care of your spouse's needs. A well-nourished person is much more receptive.

by Mary Eisenacher

If you've failed in the past (and no communication between you and your husband concerning God is present), test the waters again with a few crumbs. You might be surprised that the fish is now biting – but go slow. As your spouse draws nigh to God, you just may be on the receiving line of the very things that you have been experiencing. If your comments are still unwelcome, use wisdom and wait for the Spirit of God to prompt you. That same Spirit gave you the revelation in the first place: can He not do it with this phase of your life?

o Remember, the Holy Spirit convicts - not you. The Holy Spirit will draw, and win, and woo.

o God is creating a new passion in His church. His passion for His Church is increasing, too.

o Take care of your spouse's needs. A well-nourished person is much more receptive.

o Ask God to water the garden.

o Don't be surprised when I allow hardship to get his attention.

Recap: Don't get into different camps in your own home. Continue to love your husband. Take good care of the ones who are still learning and trying to figure God out. Patience is the by-word. Have courage, strength, and boldness in following God’s Word - His way, His will. Pray always for your spouse and any children with whom you are blessed. After that, put their spiritual lives in God’s hands and let Him take over. He will do a much better job.

Thank God and praise Him for your gifts and where you are in Him; for as you stay close to God, He will share the secrets of the Kingdom. Get into the position of the Bride, with God as your Spouse. You are in covenant with God and with your spouse. Love, and let him love you. Let the Holy Spirit train you. God’s Words are your testimony. Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

The Holy Spirit’s counsel is the best. Fellowship with other prophetic people is a requirement. Prayer is

a must. Whatever you do in the name of the Lord, He will bless. Keep your position as someone who

prophesies, but not as a Pharisee who condemns with the law. Continue to wait on God. When God requires you to share a Word, it’s your duty to be obedient: Matthew 10:27 (NIV) - What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. If others do not

understand, remember God will remain faithful to that which He has called you to do for Him.

Mary Eisenacher, CEO & Founder

Call of the Wild Ministries, Inc.

“Helping Others Answer God’s Call”
