We are indeed priveleged to be entering into a new season as God allows us to start afresh with the new wind of the Spirit. A refreshing wind is falling upon His people and many will begin to see changes take place in their lives as they align their lives with the new revelations and

I believe that it is time to begin to seek the face of God, and His revelation for our life and that of of our loved ones.

We must discern what God is telling us and obey the changes that come with the dscernment. There are things we will not understand, but as the bible tells us to trust in the LORD with all our heart and lean not on your own understanding

There is a major awakening that will take place in his church (The Body of Christ), in his chosen ones and those that are willing to break free from the chains of religion, tradition and the doctrines of man. In order for the church to rise again, there are some things that will have to die, just like Jesus died in order for us to have eternal life.

There is coming a changing of the guards as the sound of the shofar blows louder. Those that are behind in the pew will be moved forward as they begin to operate in their gifts without the fear of man.

This is a time that we must move forward with the gospel of Jesus Christ, in order to impact our cities and nations as God sends us . We have prayed for God to bless us and expand us, but we must not put limitations and boundaries to what God is able to do.

Sensitivity to the Holyspirit is of paramount importance in this season. We must learn to hear the still small voice within us that will lead us to victory over the spiritual darkness which is our worst enemy.




I want to address this to those married women who are emerging as a

prophetic voice. Please don't share everything God gives you. Every

Word is not appropriate for every person in every season. Remember

the well-timed Word scripture: Proverbs 15:23 (NKJV) - A man [or

woman] has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due

season, how good it is!

Get interested in what your spouse loves to do and talk about it - it's a two-way street. As you release your love to Jehovah God, He will return you to your spouse. Your spouse can be a tool in God’s hand, and sometimes wives can’t see that. Pray for that. You and your spouse are sometimes a team; but at other times, your time belongs to God. The two of you can have a mission together, also. (Best case scenario.)

Spend time with other prophetic people who enjoy sharing the things they've learned - swap stories. And if you have children, don't bombard them with everything you've learned. Tender lives may not be ready to receive.

Women must be careful they are not striking their husbands over their heads with The Word, for the message takes patience and love. Through the passion and conviction must also come wisdom - knowledge and revelation as to when to speak and when to be silent. A Word must be tested to whom and when it is to be spoken. Sometimes The Word is just for the person receiving it, or for release to one special person.

Courage must be mustered when God requires you to give a person a Word of judgment. Many are holding back, thinking prophecy is only to edify. We must remember that God’s prophets had to take critical words, too, to those they thought would chop off their heads. Many wives hold back due to fear (sometimes rightly so, and other times they are operating in unholy fear). God will prove Himself - if

only trust abounds. As practice makes perfect, this also takes practice.