A mother is a woman in a relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth. She is also caring and affectionate toward them.

A mother has an unconditional love for her children that never ends. The bond that is developed between them should never be broken or taken lightly. She cares for her children no matter what situation they may find themselves in. She is like a lion that stands guard over her children and protects them from danger. The child may become sick and she is there to nurse them back to health. A good mother encourages their children to accomplish their goals and supports them through the process. She is one that listens to their concerns and give them the guidance that is needed.

I am writing to encourage every mother to continue with the unconditional love . There are times that our children don’t make the right decisions. We must continue to be there for them and not give up on them. The protocol is children will always come to their senses and know they are loved.

Mothers continue to pray for your children and believe God for the best in them. He knows the unconditional love we have for them just like He has for us.

Remember that we have a responsibility as a mother to care for our children. We must be the example that is good and acceptable unto God.

Our job is not easy, but it is rewarding to see the fruitfulness of laboring for our children. Your labor is not in vain.

I am a mother of two biological sons and God has blessed tme to be a mother to many and it is great joy . I make a declaration to be a Godly mother before them and love them unconditional. A mothers love never stops it is everlasting.

by Yolanda Sherman