pearl ocloO dua

Dream Product

email: [email protected]

www.domainname.com address: 5the Avenue 10001 NYC New York

Then I had a dream in which I was leading a woman who was running from an unknown assailant. I received confirmation and I haven’t looked back. After I wrote the book Hannah’s Testimony, I sensed that God wanted me to start a women’s ministry as well. My initial plan was to hold yearly women’s conference but one day, a lady pastor friend said to me that she believes God wanted me to start a meeting from home. I prayed for a confirmation of that word and it came through another sister who came up to me to say God says to tell me to start a meeting at home.

After that I started holding meetings at home. Hannah’s Testimony has a strong presence on facebook and a website:www.hannahstestimonies.com. The focus of the ministry is to encourage women to look up to God in everything. Apart from the meetings at home, I am also involved in the women’s ministry in my church and also speak to women’s groups as and when I am called upon to.

You just published a new book. What is it about?

My new book is entitled ‘Silence is Golden’.

It is about the issue of gossip and what God has to say about it. It looks at the damaging effects of gossip and what we must do to halt it. Both the ‘Hannah’s Testimony’ and ‘Silence Is Golden’ can be purchased on Amazon.What is your message to women today?God loves us .He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and in all things we should look up to him. When we call on Him He Will Answer us. Remember that all things work together for our our good.

Thank you Pearl for sharing your story with WFM. We wish you all the best in all you are involved in.

You just published a new book. What is it about?

My new book is entitled ‘Silence is Golden’.

It is about the issue of gossip and what God has to say about it. It looks at the damaging effects of gossip and what we must do to halt it. Both the ‘Hannah’s Testimony’ and ‘Silence Is Golden’ can be purchased on Amazon.

What is your message to women today?

God loves us .He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and in and in all things we should look up to him. When we call on Him He Will Answer us. Remember that all things work together for our our good.

Thank you Pearl for sharing your story with WFM. We wish you all the best in all you are involved in.